引用本文:金相灿,胡小贞,刘 倩,郑朔方,陈 静.湖库污染底泥环保疏浚工程环评要点探讨[J].环境监控与预警,2009,1(1):42-46
JIN Xiang-can,HU Xiao-zhen,LIU Qian,ZHENG Shuo-fang,CHEN Jing.A Study on Environmental Impact Assessment of Environmental Dredging Engineering in Lakes and Reservoirs[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2009,1(1):42-46
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金相灿,胡小贞,刘 倩,郑朔方1, 陈 静2
1.中国环境科学研究院国家环境保护湖泊污染控制重点实验室,北京 100012;2.云南省环境科学研究院,昆明 650034
关键词:  污染底泥  疏浚工程  环境影响  评价
A Study on Environmental Impact Assessment of Environmental Dredging Engineering in Lakes and Reservoirs
JIN Xiang-can,HU Xiao-zhen,LIU Qian,ZHENG Shuo-fang1, CHEN Jing2
1.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control, Research Center of Lake Environment, Chinese Research Academy of Environment Sciences, Beijing 100012, China;2.Yunnan Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650034, China
By taking polluted sediment dredging and disposal project of Caohai of Lake Dianchi as an example, assessment factors and focus are identified and analyzed. The environmental impact assessment of engineering on water quality, surrounding landscape, and assessment of smell and noise are discussed in construction periods. Besides, environmental assessment impact points of sediment stockpiling on groundwater, soil and surrounding odor are presented. Based on environmental impact assessment of dredging on surrounding ecological environment in operating period, the points of environmental benefits of dredging project are analyzed. Aiming at the secondary pollution problems produced during dredging, residual water treatment and sediment stockpiling, some practical countermeasures for secondary pollution prevention are pointed out.
Key words:  polluted sediment  dredging project  environmental impact  evaluation