引用本文:张 皓.江蓠对水体重金属铅镍的蓄积及生物修复研究[J].环境监控与预警,2011,3(01):48-53
.The Cumulation and Biologic Restoretion to Pb, Ni by Gracilaria in the water[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2011,3(01):48-53
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张 皓1
常州市环境监测中心站,江苏 常州 213001
关键词:  细基江蓠繁枝变形  Pb  Ni  生物修复
The Cumulation and Biologic Restoretion to Pb, Ni by Gracilaria in the water
This research uses Gracilariatunuistipitata Var as a research material and uses Pb, Ni as pollutants, through a series of experiments such as the indoor static simulation experiment, comprehensive utilization of plasma-atomic emission spectrometer, high speed centrifuge, and differential speed centrifuge experimental methods. Comparative study on the removal of short-term effects of Gracilaria to Pb, Ni, the accumulation effect of heavy metal ions in the body of Gracilaria and the distribution of heavy metal ions in Gracilaria's apoplast and symplast from different angles in a single heavy metal ion's pollution stress of Pb, Ni has been studied. Evaluation of the purifying effect of Gracilaria to heavy metal as well as the accumulation effect in vivo of a single heavy metal ion about Pb, Ni is performed so as to lay the foundation for the further exploration of the physiological and biochemical adsorption mechanisms of Gracilaria to heavy metal and its practical application in heavy metal pollution in environmental recovery.
Key words:  Gracilariatunuistipitata var  Pb  Ni  bioremediation