ZHU Zeng yin,ZHOU Jin jin,YAN Bin,ZHANG Zhe.[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2013,5(4):35-39
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朱增银, 周金金, 严彬, 张喆
关键词:  最大日负荷总量  削减  分配  通榆河
ZHU Zeng yin, ZHOU Jin jin, YAN Bin, ZHANG Zhe
Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science
TMDL(Total Maximum Daily Load) of Tongyu River southern reach control unit in 2010 was calculated based on the existing tidal river network water model, non point source pollution load statistical model and water environmental capacity model.. Load reduction and allocation was then studied. The result showed that the water environmental capacity of COD and NH3—N under 90% guarantee rate in the studied area were 77600t per year and 3700t per year, respectively. Compared to the amount of pollutants into the river in 2010, the total maximum annual load of COD and NH3—N in the studied area were 19900t per year and 2800t per year, respectively. Among the county level cities involved in the studied area, load reduction should be mainly implemented in Haian, Jiangyan, Dongtai. In terms of different pollution sources, total amount control of pollutants should be preferentially focused on urban domestic pollution source and agricultural non point source.
Key words:  TMDL(Total Maximum Daily Load)  reduction  allocation  Tongyu River