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曹磊, 陶亚南, 赵蓓, 何志烨, 刘娜, 马震
为研究西咸新区秋冬季VOCs污染特征、来源及对人体健康的影响,利用2021年10月1日-12月10日西咸新区(泾河大道站)VOCs组分浓度数据分析VOCs污染特征,利用PMF模型、健康风险评估方法解析其风险及来源。结果表明,冬季大气中毒性VOCs平均质量浓度是秋季的8.8倍,贡献占比最大的均是芳香烃,这与排放源的差异以及气象条件的变化有关. 在健康风险方面,冬季毒性VOCs所造成的非致癌风险和致癌风险值分别是秋季的2.8倍和2.7倍,并且丙烯醛和二氯甲烷是非致癌与致癌风险的主要物种. 污染源健康风险评估结果表明生物质燃烧源是造成致癌风险及非致癌风险的最大来源,贡献比例分别为42.8%、34.2%. 因此,建议有针对性地控制毒性VOCs及生物质燃烧的排放,以减小可能对公众健康产生的危害.
关键词:  挥发性有机物(VOCs)  PMF  健康风险  致癌风险和非致癌风险  源解析
分类号:X511; X820.4
Pollution sources and health risk assessment of VOCs in autumn and winter in Xixian New Area
ZHAO Bei, HE Zhiye, LIU Na, MA Zheng
To study the characteristics, sources and impacts of VOCs pollution on human health in autumn and winter seasons in Xixian New area, VOCs component concentration data from October 1st to December 10th, 2021 at Jinghe Avenue Station were analyzed to study the characteristics of VOCs pollution. The PMF model and health risk assessment method were used to analyze the risks and sources. The results showed that average mass concentration of toxic VOCs in the winter was 8.8 times that of in autumn. The largest contribution was from aromatic hydrocarbons. This is related to the difference in emission sources and changes in meteorological conditions. In terms of health risks, the non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risk values induced by toxic VOCs in winter exceeding that in the autumn by a factor of 2.8 and 2.7. Acrolein and dichloromethane were the dominant species contributing to non-carcinogenic and cancer risks. The health risk assessment results of pollution sources indicate that biomass combustion are the largest source of carcinogenic and non carcinogenic risks, contributing 42.8% and 34.2% respectively. Therefore, it is recommended to control emissions of toxic VOCs and biomass combustion in a targeted to reduce the potential harm to public health.
Key words:  volatile organic compounds (VOCs)  PMF  health risk  carcinogenic and non- carcinogenic risk  source apportionment