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孙成志1, 刘正琼1, 陈伟强1, 姬广兴1, 徐强1, 李渊2, 郭宇龙1
【目的】农业生产过程氮磷流失是导致农业面源污染的重要原因之一,进行农田氮磷污染负荷估算,分析污染物的时空分布特征,有助于保护水环境生态安全和农业绿色可持续发展。【方法 】基于DPeRS分布式面源污染模型,耦合多源遥感数据分别对邓州市2010年和2020年农业空间面源氮磷污染物分布情况进行了估测,综合分析了邓州市面源污染时空分布特征与变化情况。【结果】(1)邓州市2010年和2020年农业面源氮磷污染总体空间分布情况相似,污染物负荷高值区多分布于西南朱连山和西北山地丘陵以及刁河在邓州市入境区域。其余相间分布在邓州市广阔的平原耕地区域,主要污染源为农田化肥过量使用,存在较大区域的土壤氮磷富集现象;(2)邓州市各乡镇2020年相对于2010年农业面源氮污染情况有所缓解,各个乡镇氮污染负荷整体来看均有不同程度的下降。2020年各乡镇磷污染负荷相对于2010年整体呈明显上升趋势,污染风险增加幅度较大。【结论】结合邓州市农业氮磷污染时空分布特征,因地制宜采取有效措施,促进农业面源污染精确治理。
关键词:  农业面源污染  DPeRS模型  时空分析  邓州市
Analysis on spatiotemporal characteristics of agricultural non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in Dengzhou City based on DPeRS model
LIU Zhengqiong,CHEN Weiqiang,JI Guangxing,XU Qiang,LI Yuan
【Objective】Nitrogen and phosphorus loss during agricultural production is one of the important causes of agricultural non-point source pollution. Estimating the nitrogen and phosphorus pollution load in farmland and analyzing the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of pollutants will help protect the ecological security of the water environment and the green and sustainable development of agriculture.【Method】Based on the DPeRS distributed non-point source pollution model, the distribution of agricultural spatial non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants in Dengzhou City in 2010 and 2020 was estimated by coupling multi-source remote sensing data, and the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics and changes of non-point source pollution in Dengzhou City were comprehensively analyzed.【Result】(1) The overall spatial distribution of agricultural non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in Dengzhou City in 2010 and 2020 was similar. The high-value areas of pollutant load were mostly distributed in the southwest Zhulian Mountains and the northwest mountainous hills and the entry area of Diaohe River in Dengzhou City. The rest were distributed alternately in the vast plain cultivated land area of Dengzhou City. The main pollution source was the excessive use of chemical fertilizers in farmland, and there was a large area of soil nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment; (2) The agricultural non-point source nitrogen pollution in all townships of Dengzhou City was alleviated in 2020 compared with 2010, and the nitrogen pollution load in each township decreased to varying degrees overall. In 2020, the phosphorus pollution load in each township showed an overall obvious upward trend compared with 2010, and the pollution risk increased significantly.【Conclusion】Combined with the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of agricultural nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in Dengzhou City, effective measures should be taken according to local conditions to promote the precise control of agricultural non-point source pollution.
Key words:  agricultural non-point source pollution  DPeRS model  spatial analysis  Dengzhou City