引用本文:梁家权.新标准下环境空气质量监控网络完善实践 ——以珠三角地区佛山市为例[J].环境监控与预警,2013,5(5):54-56
LIANG Jia quan.Improvement Recommendations of the Evaluation Network under the New Standard of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Evaluation Network[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2013,5(5):54-56
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新标准下环境空气质量监控网络完善实践 ——以珠三角地区佛山市为例
关键词:  环境  空气  监控  网络  完善
Improvement Recommendations of the Evaluation Network under the New Standard of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Evaluation Network
LIANG Jia quan
Ambient air quality monitoring network is the basis of air pollution control. After the release of the ambient air quality standard, PM2.5 and O3 monitoring data which reflect the characteristics of secondary pollution receive a lot of attention. How to accurately reflect the characteristics and patterns of pollution distribution is the improving focus of the air monitoring and evaluation network. This article describes the monitoring network structure in the Pearl River Delta and Foshan City, from multiple perspectives such as effectively broaden network coverage, enhance the capacity of the network support for pollution studies, the consolidation of monitoring data and real time release the work basis to analyze the demand of improvement, the key measures for the next phase of network construction was suggested , and the planned network improvement work of Foshan City was introduced as well. 
Key words:  environment  air  monitoring  network  improvement