HUANG Dai kuan1,LIU Yong xia1,LIU Xiao jing2,ZHANG Lin1,YU Zhi1,ZHOU Si1.Principle and Measures of Revising Emission Standards of Environment Pollutant in Guizhou Province about Air Pollution[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2015,7(1):52-58
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1 贵州省环境科学研究设计院,贵州 贵阳 550081;2贵州省环境保护厅,贵州 贵阳 550000
关键词:  环境污染物  排放标准  问题  贵州省
Principle and Measures of Revising Emission Standards of Environment Pollutant in Guizhou Province about Air Pollution
HUANG Dai kuan1,LIU Yong xia1,LIU Xiao jing2,ZHANG Lin1,YU Zhi1,ZHOU Si11,2
1.Guizhou Institute of Environment Science and Designing,Guiyang,Guizhou 550081,China;2.Environmental Protection Bureau of Guizhou Province,Guiyang,Guizhou 550000,China
In this paper, we attached importance to amend the emission standards of air pollutant in Guizhou Province. Based on problems of the original standard, and combined with atmosphere environmental quality standards promulgated, as well as some industry pollutant emissions standards and exposure limit value which was the standard concentration limit values (Cm), we recalculated the maximum acceptable emission rate for stationary sources in Guizhou province by using the methods in GB/T 13201-91. In order to increasing the economic and technical feasibility of the standard, economic and technical parameters (Ke) were selected on the basis of location quotient analysis, which was used to overcome the defects of fixed parameters across the all industry throughout the province. As a result, acceptable emission rate or threshold concentration of each pollutant were more reasonable and in line with the requirement of relevant state standards.
Key words:  Environmental pollutants  Emission standards  Problems  Guizhou Province