引用本文:王万平,何曼丽,陆继根,朱晓翔.基于WRF与田湾核电站外围监控系统的区域风场模 拟对比分析[J].环境监控与预警,2014,6(3):7-12
WANG Wan ping, HE Man li,LU Ji gen,ZHU Xiao xiang.Comparative Simulation Analysis of Regional Wind Field Based on WRF Model and Peripheral Monitoring System of Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2014,6(3):7-12
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基于WRF与田湾核电站外围监控系统的区域风场模 拟对比分析
WRF模式是新一代中尺度预报模式和同化系统,通过WRF模式构建田湾核电站区域气象预报系统,可为江苏省 建设先进的核应急决策支持系统提供坚实的理论基础和技术支持。介绍了田湾核电站区域WRF模式风场预报系统的构 建和对比试验情况,通过数值模拟风场与实测结果的对比检验,WRF模式精细化的三维风场预测具有非常高的准确性。
关键词:  WRF模式  田湾  核电站  风场预报  核应急
Comparative Simulation Analysis of Regional Wind Field Based on WRF Model and Peripheral Monitoring System of Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant
WANG Wan ping, HE Man li,LU Ji gen,ZHU Xiao xiang
WRF model is a next generation mesoscale forecast model and assimilation systems. Through the establishment of regional weather forecasting system for Tianwan nuclear power plant (NPP) area by WRF, you can create advanced nuclear emergency decision support system for Jiangsu province to provide a solid theoretical foundation and technical support. This article describes the construction and comparative test of Tianwan NPP Regional WRF model wind forecasting system. By comparing the numerical simulation of the wind field and the measured test results, the WRF model refinement of the three dimensional wind field proved to be very high accuracy.
Key words:  WRF mode  Tianwan  Nuclear power plant  Wind field forecast  Nuclear emergency