TAN Cheng hao,CHEN Xin,ZHAO Tian liang*,SHAN Yun peng.Research Progress on the Development and Application of Air Quality Models[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2014,6(6):1-7
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南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心,中国气象局气溶胶-云-降水重点开放实验室,江苏 南京 210044
关键词:  空气质量模式  大气物理  大气化学  数值预报
Research Progress on the Development and Application of Air Quality Models
TAN Cheng hao,CHEN Xin,ZHAO Tian liang*,SHAN Yun peng1,2
1.Climate and Weather Disasters Collaborative Innovation Center,Nanjing University of Information Science &Technology;2.Key Laboratory for Aerosol Cloud Precipitation of China Meteorological Administration ,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210044,China
This paper reviewed the development process of air quality model in China and abroad, the key technology in numerical model of air quality and its application research. The modeling prediction of air quality was currently confronting three major issues: the large uncertainties in air pollutant emission inventory, modeling meteorology conditions especially boundary layer and the physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere. It was proposed that the standardized production and the more precise data of emission inventory could improve the accuracy of emission data with the unified standard in analyzing emission sources, and the multi direction development of measurement methods and the enhancement in both monitoring density and frequency with lab study would be used to build the suitable physical and chemical mechanism for Chinese air environment. By optimizing the parameterization schemes in air quality models and introducing the technology of data assimilation with meteorology and satellite observations as well as the air quality measurement, a unified system integrating air quality monitoring and modeling prediction subsystems would be realized in the multi platform of application.
Key words:  Air quality model  Atmospheric physics  Atmospheric chemistry  Numerical simulation