引用本文:李旭文,牛志春,姜晟,丁铭,蔡琨.基于Landsat 8卫星OLI影像遥感反演盐城市区域大气能见度状况[J].环境监控与预警,2015,7(5):1-6
LI Xu wen,NIU Zhi chun,JIANG Sheng,DING Ming,CAI Kun.Remote Sensing Retrieval of Regional Atmospheric Visibility in Yancheng from the Landsat 8 OLI Satellite Images[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2015,7(5):1-6
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基于Landsat 8卫星OLI影像遥感反演盐城市区域大气能见度状况
江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210036
利用遥感软件ENVI 5.2的FLAASH大气校正模块,对盐城市2013—2014年共22景Landsat 8卫星OLI影像进行了区域大气能见度遥感反演,并与盐城市环境监测中心站的空气自动监测子站的PM10、PM2.5以及当地气象部门的能见度观测数据进行了对比。结果表明,OLI遥感影像可以对区域尺度大气能见度进行有效的观测,反演的区域性大气能见度水平与地面空气质量自动监测结果存在消长关系,与地面能见度数据有近70%的一致性。
关键词:  Landsat 8 OLI  区域大气能见度  遥感反演  空气质量  盐城市
Remote Sensing Retrieval of Regional Atmospheric Visibility in Yancheng from the Landsat 8 OLI Satellite Images
LI Xuwen,NIU Zhichun,JIANG Sheng,DING Ming,CAI Kun
Jiangsu Environmental Monitoring Center,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210036,China
22 OLI (Operational Land Imager) images of Yancheng acquired by Landsat 8 from 2013 to 2014 were retrieved with ENVI 5.2 atmospheric correction module FLAASH.They were compared with the data of PM10and PM2.5collected from air automatic monitoring sub station of Yancheng Environmental Monitoring Center and the visibility data observed by local meteorological department.The results showed that the remote sensing image of OLI could efficiently monitor atmospheric visibility on regional scale,and the retrieval of regional atmospheric visibilities showed negative correlation with the monitoring results of ground automatic air quality measurements,which matched with ground visibility data at approximately 70%.
Key words:  Landsat 8 OLI  Regional atmospheric visibility  Remote sensing retrieval  Air quality  Yancheng