FENG Yi,LIU Hong nian,SUN Kai.A Sensitivity Experiment of the Air Pollution Transport in Urban Clusters over the Yangtze River Delta[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2016,8(1):5-12
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南京大学大气科学学院,江苏 南京 210023
关键词:  长江三角洲  空气污染  输送规律
A Sensitivity Experiment of the Air Pollution Transport in Urban Clusters over the Yangtze River Delta
FENG Yi,LIU Hongnian,SUN Kai
School of Atmospheric Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210023,China
In this paper,the numerical simulation of the severe air pollution case over the Yangtze River Delta from November 29th to December 11th 2013 was conducted with WRF-Chem model. The objective of the simulation was to analyze the contribution of local emission sources and foreign transport. The results indicated that the contribution of particulate matter from the core region of Yangtze River Delta was almost equal to which from foreign transport. On the other hand,SO2、CO、NH3、andNOx were mostly provided by local emissions. The higher chemical activity a kind of gaseous pollutant had,the more it would be contributed by local emission sources. The local contribution of pollutants obviously rose to a higher level during the most serious period from December 7th to December 9th. The direction and intensity of transportation had a close relationship with the wind direction and speed. Within the boundary layer,the local contribution of most pollutants got smaller when the altitude got higher. That means on the top of boundary layer,the effect of foreigntransport controlled the concentration of pollutants. However,the contribution of local emission sources for nitrate changed slightly on the ground,at the height of 1km and 1.5km.
Key words:  The Yangtze River Delta area  Air pollution  Transportation