MA Ming lu.Analysis on Current Status and Ecological Risk of Copper Pollution in Zhuhai Ports[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2016,8(3):43-47
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广东省特种设备检测研究院珠海检测院,广东 珠海 519000
关键词:  含铜防污漆  珠海码头  铜污染  潜在生态危害
Analysis on Current Status and Ecological Risk of Copper Pollution in Zhuhai Ports
MA Minglu
Guangdong Zhuhai Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, Zhuhai, Guangdong 519000, China
Zhuhai ports were chosen as the objects to assess the effect on using antifouling paint from boats. The heavy metal contents of surface sediment and the seawater in Zhuhai ports were studied, with a focus on copper element. The pollution level and the potential ecological risk were assessed. The results showed that the surface sediment in the ports, such as the sediment from the Xiangzhou and Jinsha ports, which were close to the urban area, was exposed to middle to high level of copper pollution. Whereas the surface sediment outside the marine, such as the sediment from the Aodao Marina off the east island, was exposed to low level of copper pollution due to water circulation. The potential ecological risk was low as evaluated by Hakanson ecological risk index, but the copper concentration in sea water exceeded the ecological safety limit.
Key words:  Copper based antifouling paint  Zhuhai ports  Copper pollution  Potential ecological risk