LI Jing, HAN Yu, WU Zhao hao, LIU Zhao xia, SUN Xiao hui.Research on Promoting Total Amount Control via the Card Management System——An Example from Taizhou Swipe Card-Sewage Discharge Demonstration Project[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2016,8(2):55-58
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1.泰州市环境科学研究所,江苏 泰州 225300;2.泰州市环境保护局,江苏 泰州 225300
关键词:  刷卡管理系统  总量控制  排污权交易  泰州
Research on Promoting Total Amount Control via the Card Management System——An Example from Taizhou Swipe Card-Sewage Discharge Demonstration Project
LI Jing, HAN Yu, WU Zhaohao, LIU Zhaoxia, SUN Xiaohui1,2
1. Taizhou Environmental Science Research Institute, Taizhou, Jiangsu 225300, China;2. Taizhou Environmental Protection Bureau, Taizhou, Jiangsu 225300, China
This paper briefly describes the current status of total pollutant amount control and analyzes existing defects from technological and management perspectives. Taking Taizhou swipe card sewage discharge demonstration project as an instance, this paper introduces the enterprise swipe card sewage discharge control equipment, the card control and management platform of the environmental protection department, and specific work processes of the swipe card sewage discharge, etc. It is pointed out that the card management system effectively improves the control and guidance of the total pollutant amount, ensuring real and accurate data, strengthening environmental monitoring, promoting transformation and upgrading of enterprises. This system effectively implements quota allocation of the total pollutant amount and realizes the control of both pollutant concentration and total amount, allowing directional supervision, reducing illegal corporate emission, and promoting smooth implementation of the emission trading system.
Key words:  Card management system  Total amount control  Emissions trading  Taizhou