YAO Ying,WU Pan feng,LU Wei.The Spatial and Temporal Distribution Features of Mobile Communication Base Stationsin Nantong[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2016,8(6):52-56
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南通市环境监测中心站,江苏 南通 226001
为了解南通市移动通信基站电磁辐射时空分布特征,随机实测504座典型基站,着重从水平和垂直方向50m范围内开展监测,并选取典型基站开展24h连续监测。结果表明,南通市移动通信基站电磁辐射水平满足《电磁环境控制限值》(GB 8702—2014)中公众曝露控制限值要求;基站电磁辐射水平分布随距离增大呈现先增加后逐渐减小的趋势,地面最大投射点的距离基本为20~30m;垂直方向最大监测值出现在与天线高度相近的楼层;24h基站电场强度随时间呈明显变化,与话务量和数据流量分别进行相关性分析,相关系数为0.968 3和0.709 8,说明目前话务量仍是电磁辐射强度的重要影响因素。
关键词:  移动通信基站  电磁辐射  水平方向  垂直方向  24h变化规律  南通
The Spatial and Temporal Distribution Features of Mobile Communication Base Stationsin Nantong
YAO Ying,WU Panfeng,LU Wei
Nantong Environmental Monitoring Center, Nantong,Jiangsu 226001, China
To study the spatial and temporal distribution features of mobile communication base stations in Nantong, 504 typical base stations were monitored randomly within the scope of 50 meters horizontally and vertically. Some of them were selected for 24 hour monitoring. The research showed the intensity of electromagnetic radiation of mobile communication base stations in Nantong met the standard of GB 8702—2014 in terms of public exposure. Its horizontal distribution also had a tendency of increase followed by a decrease with the progress of space. The projection points with maximum intensity were normally 20 to 30 meters far away from the base station horizontally. The vertical maximum intensity was detected at the parallel floors to the antenna. The electric filed intensity of the 24 hour monitored base stations varied obviously with time. After correlation analysis with respect to telephone traffic and data traffic, the correlation coefficients were 0.968 3 and 0.709 8 respectively, which indicated the former factor was still an important one that affected the electromagnetic radiation intensity.
Key words:  Mobile communication base station  Electromagnetic radiation  Horizontal direction  Vertical direction  24-hour variation pattern  Nantong