ZENG Chao, JIANG Ke wei, QIAN Jia, ZHOU Ji tang, LIU Min min.Determination of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products by Solid Phase Extraction Coupled with LC/MS[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2016,8(5):34-37
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1. 江苏中宜金大分析检测有限公司, 江苏 宜兴 214200;2. 宜兴市环境监测站,江苏 宜兴 214200
建立了固相萃取-液质联用分析药物和个人护理品(PPCPs)的方法,采用Oasis HLB固相萃取柱分别在酸性条件下和碱性条件下对PPCPs进行富集提取,该法对于宜兴地区能够检出的30种PPCPs均具有良好的线性,相关系数为0.990~0.999,检出限为1.37~10.12ng/L。应用该法对宜兴地区地表水中存在的PPCPs进行分析,结果显示30种PPCPs均有不同程度检出,分布最广泛的7种分别为避蚊胺、阿替洛尔、对乙酰氨基酚、普鲁卡因、β-雌二醇、卡马西平和苯佐卡因,阿替洛尔浓度较高,普遍为5~600ng/L。避蚊胺虽然出现频率最高,但其在各个采样点浓度偏低,普遍为1~50 ng/L。
关键词:  药物  个人护理品  宜兴  固相萃取-液质联用
Determination of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products by Solid Phase Extraction Coupled with LC/MS
ZENG Chao, JIANG Kewei, QIAN Jia, ZHOU Jitang, LIU Minmin1,2
1. Jiangsu Zhongyijinda Analytical & Testing Co.,Ltd., Yixing, Jiangsu 214200, China;2. Yixing Environmental Monitoring Station, Yixing, Jiangsu 214200, China
A method for determination of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) was developed using solid phase extraction liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (SPE LC/MS). The PPCPs were concentrated by Oasis HLB solid phase extraction column at acidic and alkaline conditions. Thirty PPCPs were detected in Yixing City by the developed method with the correlation coefficient in the range of 0.990~0.999 and the detection limit in the range of 1.37~10.12 ng/L. The most frequently detected PPCPs were diethyltoluamede, atenolol, paracetamol, procaine, beta estradiol, carbamazepine and benzocaine. Atenolol had the highest concentration of these PPCPs with the range of 500~600 ng/L. Diethyltoluamede was the most frequently discovered PPCPs , however, the concentrations were low with the range of 1~50 ng/L
Key words:  Pharmaceuticals  Personal care  Yixing City  SPE LC/MS