SHI Jun-zhe,WU Wei,SONG Ting,XU Chao,YU Jian-linet al.The FY 3/MERSI's Application in Monitoring of Cyanobacteria Bloom in Lake Taihu[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2018,10(2):6-10
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1.无锡市环境监测中心站,江苏 无锡 214121;2 .中城泰信(苏州)科技发展股份有限公司,江苏 苏州 215021
使用无锡市环境监测中心站环境遥感综合处理系统,对2017年7—11月FY 3/MERSI影像数据进行蓝藻水华提取分析,并通过当日与国外MODIS、VIIRS影像数据的蓝藻水华提取结果进行协同比对,验证FY 3/MERSI影像在蓝藻水华预警监测业务化应用的前景。结果表明,3种数据源均能实现蓝藻水华空间分布的业务化运行;由于卫星过境时间的不同,可综合利用这3种数据源观测太湖蓝藻水华在一天中的动态变化,分析蓝藻水华的发生规律。
关键词:  风云三号卫星  中分辨率光谱成像仪  蓝藻水华  环境遥感综合处理系统  太湖
The FY 3/MERSI's Application in Monitoring of Cyanobacteria Bloom in Lake Taihu
SHI Jun-zhe,WU Wei,SONG Ting,XU Chao,YU Jian-linet al1,2
1.Wuxi Environmental Monitoring Center,Wuxi,Jiangsu 214121,China;2. Suzhou Zhongchentaixin Technology Development Limited Company, Suzhou,Jiangsu 215021,China
This paper took the Taihu Lake as study area to evaluate the application prospects in cyanobacteria bloom prewarning monitoring business of FY 3/MERSI image. The environmental remote sensing integrated processing system of Wuxi Environmental Monitoring Center was used to extract and analyse the cyanobacteria bloom for FY 3/MERSI images obtained on July November 2017. MODIS and VIIRS image data were used to validate the cyanobacteria bloom extraction effect of FY 3/MERSI. The results showed that all the three kinds of data sources can realize the operation of spatial distribution of cyanobacteria bloom. Due to the different satellite transit time, the three data sources can be comprehensively used to observe the occurrence and dynamic changes of cyanobacteria bloom in the Taihu Lake during one day.
Key words:  FY 3  MERSI  Cyanobacteria bloom  Integrated environmental remote sensing processing system  Lake taihu