ZHOU Qi, PANG Yong,JIA Jian hong,ZHA Xue zhen.Study on Risk Assessment of Risk distribution intensive Port Area——Take the Longtan Port Area of Nanjing City as an Example[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2018,10(5):1-5
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1. 铜陵学院建筑工程学院,安徽 铜陵 244061;2. 河海大学浅水湖泊综合治理与资源开发教育部重点实验室,江苏 南京 210098;3. 河海大学环境学院,江苏 南京 210098;4. 广东水电二局股份有限公司,广东 广州 511340
从码头主体风险和风险控制机制2个准则出发,构建了码头源风险评价指标体系和风险评价方法,提出,采用风险分布密集指数和码头源数量指数,反映港区内码头风险分布密集程度和码头数量对港区风险的影响程度。以码头风险评价方法为基础,综合考虑港区码头源风险大小、风险分布密集指数、码头源数量指数,建立了考虑风险分布密集型的港区风险评价方法。应用该方法对南京市龙潭港区进行风险评价,结果表明,南京市龙潭港区风险等级为高风险,港区内高风险码头共7座,且主要集中分布于南京长江四桥附近约2 km岸线内。
关键词:  龙潭港区  风险评价  风险分布  密集性
Study on Risk Assessment of Risk distribution intensive Port Area——Take the Longtan Port Area of Nanjing City as an Example
ZHOU Qi, PANG Yong,JIA Jianhong,ZHA Xuezhen1,2,3,4
1. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Tongling University, Tongling,Anhui 244061, China;2.Key Laboratory of Integrated Regulation and Resources Development on Shallow Lakes,Ministry of Education,Hohai University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210098,China;3. College of Environment,Hohai University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210098,China;4. Guangdong Hydropower Second Bureau Co.Ltd., Guangzhou, Guangdong 511340,China
This study has established a risk assessment index system and evaluation method for quay based on the consideration of the quays risk and risk control mechanism. Considering that the current risk assessment method for the port area does not take into account the dense distribution of quays risk in the port area, the Risk Distribution Intensive Index and the Risk Source Quantity Index have been proposed, which respectively reflect the concentration of the risk distribution of the quay’s risk in the port area and the risk impact of the number of quay on the port area. Based on the quay risk assessment method and considering the quay risk, Risk Distribution Intensive Index and Risk Source Quantity Index of port area, a risk assessment method for the port area is established. The risk assessment method have been applied in Longtan Port Area in Nanjing, the result shows: The risk level of Longtan Port Area is high; There are 7 high risk quays in the port area, which are mainly concentrated in the coastline of about 2 kilometers near the Nanjing Fourth Yangtze River Bridge.
Key words:  Longtan port area  Risk assessment  Risk distribution  Intensive