引用本文:夏新,姜晓旭,邹家素,王静,于勇,杨楠.《环境监测 分析方法标准制修订技术导则》(HJ 168—2010)对土壤环境监测标准制修订适用性探讨[J].环境监控与预警,2018,10(6):28-31
XIA Xin,JIANG Xiao xu, ZOU Jia su,WANG Jing,YU Yong,YANG Nan.Suggestions on the Applicability of 《Environmental Monitoring—Technical Guidance on Drawing and Revising Analytical Method Standards》 (HJ 168—2010) on Soil Monitoring Analytical Method Analysis[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2018,10(6):28-31
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《环境监测 分析方法标准制修订技术导则》(HJ 168—2010)对土壤环境监测标准制修订适用性探讨
1.(1.中国环境监测总站,国家环境保护环境监测质量控制重点实验室,北京 100012;2.重庆市生态环境监测中心,重庆 100101;3.天津市生态环境监测中心,天津 300191
针对土壤环境监测的复杂性和特殊性,从空白试验、检出限、方法验证、质量控制和标准文本等方面,指出了《环境监测 分析方法标准制修订技术导则》《HJ 168—2010》对土壤环境监测标准制修订工作的适用性和执行中存在的问题。提出,为保证土壤标准制修订质量和标准执行质量,应研究适宜土壤监测方法标准的质量控制指标体系和评价体系,及时修订《HJ 168—2010》或发布补充要求;对现有土壤监测方法标准进行技术评估,加强对于土壤标准制修订工作的指导和监管。
关键词:  土壤  环境监测  标准制修订
Suggestions on the Applicability of 《Environmental Monitoring—Technical Guidance on Drawing and Revising Analytical Method Standards》 (HJ 168—2010) on Soil Monitoring Analytical Method Analysis
XIA Xin,JIANG Xiao xu, ZOU Jia su,WANG Jing,YU Yong,YANG Nan1,2,3
1.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Quality Control in Environmental Monitoring,China National Environmental Monitoring Center,Beijing 100012,China;2. Chongqing EcoEnvironmental Monitoring Center,Chongqing 401147,China;3.Tianjin EcoEnvironmental Monitoring Center,Tianjin 300191,China
In aspects of blank test, detection limit, method validation, quality control and method text, the applicability of “Environmental monitoring—Technical guidance on drawing and revising analytical method standards”(HJ 168—2010 )in soil monitoring as well as the problem in the procedure of drawing and revising soil monitoring analytical method standards were discussed in consideration of the complexity and particularity of soil monitor. Technical quality control indicators system and evaluation system were suggested to be investigated and “HJ 168—2010” was suggested to be revised timely or improved by supplementary requirements for ensuring the execution quality and drawing and revising quality of soil monitoring analytical method standards. Furthermore, it is proposed that technical evaluation of the current standards should be performed and drawing and revising of soil monitoring analytical method standard should be executed under effective guidance and strict supervision.
Key words:  Soil  Environment monitoring  Drawing and revising method standard