TIAN Zhi ren,JIANG Xiao xu,JIANG Yue,FENG Xue,XIA Xin.A Research of Evaluation Standards of Precision Control on the Detection of Cd in Soil[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2019,11(2):26-30
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1. 中国环境监测总站,国家环境保护环境监测质量控制重点实验室,北京 100012;2. 重庆市生态环境监测中心,重庆 401147
以来自全国31个省份的共31种类型993个实际土壤样品为主要研究对象,经全国67个实验室分析测试,统计分析土壤中镉(Cd)元素测定精密度控制结果,同时将其与现行标准与规范进行比对分析。结果表明,推荐的精密度控制评价标准为:样品ω(Cd)<0.4 mg/kg时,实际样品明码样或标准样品测试实验室内相对偏差(RD)≤30%、实验室间相对标准偏差RD’≤35%,实际样品盲样测试RD≤35%、RD’≤40%;样品ω(Cd)≥0.4 mg/kg时,实际样品明码样或标准样品测试RD≤25%、RD’≤30%,实际样品盲样测试RD≤30%、RD’≤35%。此外,土壤类型也会影响精密度控制结果。
关键词:  比对测试  精密度  相对偏差  置信度  土壤  镉
A Research of Evaluation Standards of Precision Control on the Detection of Cd in Soil
TIAN Zhi ren,JIANG Xiao xu,JIANG Yue,FENG Xue,XIA Xin1,2
1. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Quality Control in Environmental Monitoring,China National Environmental Monitoring Center,Beijing 100012,China;2.Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Center of Chongqing,Chongqing 401147,China
For analyzing Cd in soil,precision control and evaluation standards have been studied by using the comparison determination data from 67 laboratories in 31provinces,involving 993 soil samples and 31 soil types. Also it was compared with the current standard for soil monitoring. It is proposed to control RD≤30% in laboratory and RD’≤35% inter laboratories of the open code test sample and standard sample when the concentration of Cd is less than 0.4 mg/kg,and RD≤35% in laboratory and RD’≤40% inter laboratories of the blind test sample.In the case of the concentration of Cd is higher than 0.4 mg/kg,it is proposed to control RD≤25% in laboratory and RD’≤30% inter laboratories of the open code test sample and standard sample,and RD≤30% in laboratory and RD’≤35% inter laboratories of the blind test sample. It is also found that the results of precision control may be affected by different soil types.
Key words:  Comparison determination  Precision  Relative deviation(RD)  Confidence level  Soils  Cd