TONG Cai-huan, QIAN Hai-zhi, WAN Xi-xi.Selection of Extraction Solution for Determination of Glyphosate in Soil by Ion Chromatography[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2021,13(3):35-39
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宁波市华测检测技术有限公司,浙江 宁波 315000
关键词:  草甘膦  离子色谱  土壤  提取溶液
Selection of Extraction Solution for Determination of Glyphosate in Soil by Ion Chromatography
TONG Cai-huan, QIAN Hai-zhi, WAN Xi-xi
Centre Testing International (Ningbo) Corporation,Ningbo,Zhejiang 315000,China
10 soil samples such as Liaoning brown soil were used to explore the influence of water and NaOH with pH range of 9.00-14.00 as extraction solutions on the analysis. The results showed that only calcareous purple soil and sierozem could obtain a higher extraction rate with water as the extraction solution. Other tested soils, especially soils with pH<8, showed lower extraction rates, indicating that the extraction effect of water is affected by the physical and chemical properties of the soil. When NaOH, with pH value in the range of 9.00-14.00, was used as the extraction solution, as the pH value increased, the extraction efficiency increased. Once pH reached a certain value, the extraction efficiency would not increase significantly, but the interference would increase.Therefore, when the physical and chemical properties of the soil are available, suitable extraction solution can be selected referring to the correlation analysis of the extraction rate.
Key words:  Glyphosate  Ion chromatography  Soil  Extraction solution