GONG Hai-yan.Preliminary Research on Heavy Metal Concentration in Eichhornia crassipes in Typical Waters of Shanghai[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2021,13(3):50-54
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上海市环境监测中心,上海 200232
于2017年11月,采集了上海市苏州河华漕、松浦大桥、大泖港3个典型水域水葫芦样品, 采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法和冷原子吸收分光光度法,分析了水葫芦中14种重金属含量和吸附规律。结果表明: 3个典型区域中,苏州河华漕水葫芦中重金属含量最高,且Cr含量超标,不可作为饲料原料应用,松浦大桥、大泖港的水葫芦内重金属含量符合饲料卫生标准,可作为饲料原料进行应用;水葫芦对重金属的吸收含量依次为Mn>Zn>Ni>Cu>Co>V>Pb>Cr>As>Sb>Cd>Hg>Ag>Tl,对Mn具有超富集能力,可考虑作为Mn污染修复植物进行应用;水葫芦不同部位对重金属(除Hg外)的富集能力表现为根>茎、叶,不同水葫芦植株中重金属含量受生长基质、株龄、个体吸附力差异等方面的影响。
关键词:  水葫芦  重金属  上海  富集效应
Preliminary Research on Heavy Metal Concentration in Eichhornia crassipes in Typical Waters of Shanghai
GONG Hai-yan
Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center, Shanghai 200232, China
Eichhornia crassipes samples in three typical waters were collected from Suzhou River, Songpu Bridge and Damaogang of Shanghai in November 2017, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and cold atomic absorptions spectrometry was used to monitor 14 kinds of heavy metals residue in Eichhornia crassipes. The results showed that Huacao of Suzhou River had the highest heavy metal content, and could not be used as feed raw materials because of the highest content of Cr, while the heavy metal content in Eichhornia crassipes in Songpu Bridge and Damaogang meets the requirements of health standards for feed which can be used as feed raw materials. The contents of heavy metals in Eichhornia crassipes ranged as Mn>Zn>Ni>Cu>Co>V>Pb>Cr>As>Sb>Cd>Hg>Ag>Tl, considering its super accumulation ability of Mn,Eichhornia crassipes can be used as Mn pollution remediation plant. The root of Eichhornia crassipes showed higher enrichment ability of heavy metal than stem and leaf, and the content of heavy metals in different Eichhornia crassipes plants was affected by growth substrate, plant age and individual adsorption capacity.
Key words:  Eichhornia crassipes  Heavy metals  Shanghai  Accumulation effect