HU Li-tiao,HUANG Qin,BI Jun,MA Zong-wei.Achievement of Efficiency Evaluation and Early warning of the Management Indicators of Aquatic Ecological Environment Functional Zoning in the Taihu Basin[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2021,13(4):6-13
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南京大学环境学院,污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 210023
关键词:  水生态环境功能分区  障碍因子  目标可达性  预警级别  太湖流域
Achievement of Efficiency Evaluation and Early warning of the Management Indicators of Aquatic Ecological Environment Functional Zoning in the Taihu Basin
HU Li-tiao,HUANG Qin,BI Jun,MA Zong-wei
State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse of China, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China
The severe aquatic ecological environment situation in the Taihu Basin has attracted much attention. However, the implementation status and effect of the aquatic ecological environment functional zoning management system cannot be accurately estimated. Based on the four quadrant principles and two dimension vector evaluation system, by taking the aquatic ecological environment functional zoning of the Taihu Basin as the research object, this study comprehensively analyzes the obstacle factors and the accessibility of the goal, which provides experience guidance for the management and control of the aquatic ecological environment functional zoning. The results show that the achieving efficiency of goals in the Taihu Basin in Jiangsu Province is relatively good. The proportions of "high efficiency", "average" and "low efficiency" decrease in order, with less heavy alarm area. Among the environmental efficiency indicators, the control efficiency of pollutant emission reduction per unit area is relatively high, and the overall environmental quality indicators perform well. However, the indicators still need to be guarded against being reduced to "low efficiency".
Key words:  Aquatic ecological environment functional zoning  Obstacle factors  Accessibility of goal  Early warning level  Taihu Basin