JI Xiao-yan, SUN Zong-guang, YANG Kai, YAO Zhi-penget al.Methodology of Early Warning with Surface Water Quality Automatic Monitoring Data[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(4):24-30
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1.中国环境监测总站,北京 100012;2.北京金水永利科技有限公司,北京 100012
关键词:  地表水  水质自动监测  预警技术路线  突变型预警  渐变型预警
Methodology of Early Warning with Surface Water Quality Automatic Monitoring Data
JI Xiao-yan, SUN Zong-guang, YANG Kai, YAO Zhi-penget al1,2
1. China National Environmental Monitoring Center, Beijing 100012, China;2. Beijing Golden Water Technology Co.,Ltd., Beijing 100012, China
Based on the current status of Chinas surface water quality automatic monitoring, the current paper preliminarily discussed the early warning method system of surface water quality automatic monitoring. The overall technical route of early warning on automatic water quality monitoring has been put forward, and a variety of early warning model group framework has been built based on sudden change type early warning and gradual change type early warning, which can realize the single factor, multi factor combination, trend, status and other different cases of abnormal data early warning, so as to ensure the reliability and accuracy. Finally, the implementation of early warning method of water quality automatic monitoring was introduced through the examples such as integration of the water quality automatic monitoring data, determination and cleaning of abnormal data, establishment and operation of early warning model, process of early warning information and other aspects.
Key words:  Surface water quality  Water quality automatic monitoring  Early warning technology route  Sudden change type early warning  Gradual change type early warning