WANG Hou-jun, CHEN Zhi-fang, WU Ying, CAO Jing-yu.Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Formaldehyde and Nitrogen Dioxide in Troposphere in Yangzhou City Based on TROPOMI[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(3):70-75
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1.江苏省扬州环境监测中心,江苏 扬州 225000;2.江苏省泰州环境监测中心,江苏 泰州 225300
以2020年1月—2021年9月对流层观测仪(TROPOMI)卫星观测资料反演获取的对流层甲醛(HCHO)、二氧化氮(NO2)柱浓度数据为依据,采用统计方法分析了扬州市HCHO和NO2柱浓度的时空分布特征。结果表明,扬州市对流层HCHO、NO2平均柱浓度分别为903.01×1013, 633.77×1013mole/cm2;受太阳紫外辐射影响,HCHO柱浓度变化特征表现为6月最高、1月最低;受气象条件和人为排放强度影响,NO2则表现为1月最高、8月最低。2021年1—9月扬州市对流层HCHO、NO2柱浓度月均值同比2020年分别增长4.0%,40.6%。空间分布特征显示,扬州市对流层HCHO和NO2浓度高值区主要分布在扬州市南部,且浓度高值区域与重点排污企业分布情况较为一致,多为电力供热、工业锅炉、冶金、石化与化工、表面涂层等行业。相关性分析显示,对流层HCHO与气温、臭氧浓度呈显著正相关,而NO2与气温、臭氧浓度呈显著负相关。
关键词:  卫星遥感  对流层观测仪  甲醛  二氧化氮  柱浓度  时空分布
Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Formaldehyde and Nitrogen Dioxide in Troposphere in Yangzhou City Based on TROPOMI
WANG Hou-jun, CHEN Zhi-fang, WU Ying, CAO Jing-yu1,2
1.Yangzhou Environmental Monitoring Center, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225000, China;2. Taizhou Environmental Monitoring Center, Taizhou, Jiangsu 225300, China
Based on the tropospheric formaldehyde (HCHO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) column concentration data obtained from TROPOMI satellite observation data from January 2020 to September 2021, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of HCHO and NO2column concentration in Yangzhou were analyzed. The results showed that the average column concentrations of HCHO and NO2in troposphere were 903.01×1013and 633.77×1013 mole/cm2, respectively. Under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation, the monthly mean column concentration of HCHO was the highest in June and the lowest in January. Influenced by meteorological conditions and anthropogenic emission intensity, NO2was the highest in January and the lowest in August. The spatial distribution characteristics show that the high concentration areas of tropospheric HCHO and NO2 in Yangzhou are mainly distributed in the south of Yangzhou, and the distribution of high concentration areas is consistent with that of key pollutant discharge enterprises, mostly electric heating, industrial boiler, metallurgy, petrochemical and chemical industry, surface coating and other industries. Correlation analysis showed that tropospheric HCHO was positively correlated with air temperature and ozone concentration, while NO2was negatively correlated with air temperature and ozone concentration.
Key words:  Satellite remote sensing  TROPOMI  Formaldehyde  Nitrogen dioxide  Column concentration  Spatial temporal variations