JIANG Qi,WANG Li-bao,LI Hui,WAN Xi-he,SHI Wen-jun,TAN Hai-junet al.Exploration of Sodium Persulfate for Simultaneous Digestion of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in Aquaculture Tailwater[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(4):60-65
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1.江苏省海洋水产研究所,江苏 南通 226000;2.盐城丰悦源钓饵有限公司,江苏 盐城 224345
关键词:  过硫酸钠  过硫酸钾  消解  总氮  总磷  养殖尾水
Exploration of Sodium Persulfate for Simultaneous Digestion of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in Aquaculture Tailwater
JIANG Qi,WANG Li-bao,LI Hui,WAN Xi-he,SHI Wen-jun,TAN Hai-junet al1,2
1.Jiangsu Marine Aquatic Research Institute,Nantong, Jiangsu 226000,China;2.Yancheng Fengyueyuan Baits Co.,Ltd.,Yancheng, Jiangsu 224345,China
The total nitrogen and total phosphorus content of tailwater from aquaculture ponds is usually high. Thus, samples need to be diluted before measurement, which leads to an increase in measurement time and a decrease in measurement accuracy. In the laboratory, potassium persulfate is commonly used for digestion of tailwater samples. The disadvantages of potassium persulfate are that it is easy to precipitate in crystal form at low temperature and its preparation is time consuming. On the contrary, sodium persulfate is easily soluble in water, less affected by temperature and easy to prepare. In this study, the samples were digested by two kinds of persulfate digestion solutions, respectively, and the contents of total nitrogen and total phosphorus of the digested samples were determined, so as to compare the effects of the two methods on calibration curves, standard recovery, and determination of aquaculture tailwater samples. It was found that when the mass or amount of substance is equal to potassium persulfate, the sodium persulfate digestion solution can meet the requirements of total nitrogen and total phosphorus digestion. Moreover, the amount of sodium hydroxide added, and pH need not be adjusted when using sodium persulfate digestion solution, and the digestion effect is equal to that of potassium persulfate under equal mass or equal amount of substance. In conclusion, equal amount of substance of sodium persulfate can replace potassium persulfate for digestion of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in aquaculture tailwater samples.
Key words:  Sodium persulfate  Potassium persulfate  Digestion  Total nitrogen  Total phosphorus  Aquaculture tailwater