WU Yu-wen.Water Quality Change and Pollution Characteristics Analysis of the Huangpu River in Yangpu District of Shanghai in 2016—2021[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(1):80-84
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上海市杨浦区环境监测站,上海 200093
关键词:  黄浦江流域  综合污染指数  污染特征  水质分析  上海市
Water Quality Change and Pollution Characteristics Analysis of the Huangpu River in Yangpu District of Shanghai in 2016—2021
WU Yu-wen
Shanghai Yangpu District Environmental Monitoring Station,Shanghai 200093,China
In order to track and get full knowledge of the water quality of Huangpu River in Yangpu District of Shanghai, the water quality data of 6 monitoring sites from 2016 Jan. to 2021 Dec. were collected. Through the analysis of the annual average concentration of individual pollutants and the integrated pollution index, the variation characteristics of water quality were cleared. The results showed that after the river remediation work of Yangpu District in 2017, the water quality at the outlet of the Huangpu River Basin has been improved greatly. The results of the 6 sites showed the sections with dense residential areas had a huge impact on water quality, so the pollution situation in the Qiujiang River needs to be further strengthened in the follow up management. The main pollutants in the river converted from NH3-N to TP, indicating that the river remediation improves the self purification ability of the river, which had a remarkable influence on the water quality. The water quality in the rain season was inferior than others. Temperature, rainfall, pumping station discharge and sewage discharge were the main reasons for affecting the water quality.
Key words:  Huangpu River Basin  Integrated pollution index  Pollution characteristics  Water quality analysis  Shanghai City