CHEN Gang, TONG Song-ying, WU Dao-xin, ZHU Lu-lu.A Preliminary Study on the Technical Framework of Odor Control in Chemical Industry Parks[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(2):85-90
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1. 聚光科技(杭州)股份有限公司,环境与科学仪器事业部,浙江 杭州 310052;2. 杭州石炭纪环保科技有限公司,浙江 杭州 311100
关键词:  化工园区  恶臭异味管控  技术框架  管控模式
A Preliminary Study on the Technical Framework of Odor Control in Chemical Industry Parks
CHEN Gang, TONG Song-ying, WU Dao-xin, ZHU Lu-lu1,2
1. Focused Photonics(Hangzhou),Inc., Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310052, China;2. Hangzhou Carboniferous Environmental Protection Technology Co.Ltd., Hangzhou, Zhejiang 311100, China
In response to the urgent challenge of odor complaints in the current chemical industry park, a new technology framework has been explored based on monitoring equipment, information platform and control services. It not only helps enterprises to meet the emission standards, but also promotes the continuous improvement of the parks environmental quality. This paper expounds the Three Goals of the Odor Control Mode from the national level to the park level. Taking Rudong Chemical Park as an example, the Odor Control Mode was discussed from the aspects of designing an effective technical framework, screening the priority odor factors, building monitoring sites, building information platform and establishing control services, etc. Secondly, it has realized the organic unity of environmental benefits, economic benefits and social benefits of Rudong Chemical Park, which based on the comprehensive control mode of “Equipment + Platform + Service” (EPS). In addition, in order to deepen and promote the odor control mode of Rudong Chemical Park, a series of prospects and suggestions are put forward, including the establishment of the Point Line Surface monitoring network, integrated management platform and operation service mechanism, which will provide reference for odor control in our countrys chemical parks.
Key words:  Chemical industry park  Odor control  Technical framework  Control mode