YANG Meng, CHENG Meng, PENG Xiao, YANG Shou, LIU Lian-lian, FU Xiao-yan.Levels and Pollution Characteristics of Organophosphate Esters in Yalu River[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(2):78-84
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辽宁省大连生态环境监测中心,辽宁 大连 116023
于2021年4月对鸭绿江干流及其主要支流水体中14种目标有机磷酸酯(OPEs)的浓度水平及污染特征进行了调查研究。结果表明,鸭绿江中∑OPEs的浓度从上游到下游逐渐升高,质量浓度为11.6~557.0 ng/L,平均质量浓度为202.5 ng/L,处于世界偏低,全国中下水平。鸭绿江水体中ρ(氯代OPEs)>ρ(烷基代OPEs)>ρ(芳基代OPEs)。14种OPEs中,磷酸三(1-氯-2-丙基)酯(TCPP)质量浓度最高,其次是磷酸三(2-氯乙基)酯(TCEP),平均占比分别为31.8%和20.9%。鸭绿江上游水体中OPEs的质量浓度为11.6~135.5 ng/L,平均值为52.8 ng/L,质量浓度最高的是烷基代OPEs;下游水体中OPEs的质量浓度为179.1~557.0 ng/L,平均值为382.3 ng/L,质量浓度最高的是氯代OPEs。上游水体中OPEs主要来源于大气沉降、径流携带等环境迁移,下游水体则主要受到丹东市区生活污水和沿江工业园区废水排放的影响。研究可为今后科学评估此类物质的环境风险并采取精准管控措施,提供数据支持和科学依据。
关键词:  有机磷酸酯  鸭绿江  浓度水平  污染特征
Levels and Pollution Characteristics of Organophosphate Esters in Yalu River
YANG Meng, CHENG Meng, PENG Xiao, YANG Shou, LIU Lian-lian, FU Xiao-yan
Dalian Ecological Environmental Monitoring Center of Liaoning Province, Dalian, Liaoning 116023, China
his study investigated 14 kinds of OPEs in the water of main stream and main tributaries of Yalu River. The results showed that the concentration of ∑OPEs gradually increased from upstream to downstream, and ranged from 11.6~557.0 ng/L, with an average concentration of 202.5 ng/L. The profiles of OPEs varied from different sampling sites. In general, the concentration of chlorinated organophosphates>alkyl organophosphates>aryl organophosphates. TCPP and TCEP were the dominant compounds, with an average proportion of 31.8% and 20.9%, respectively. The concentration of OPEs in the upstream of the Yalu River ranged from 11.6 to 135.5 ng/ L, with an average concentration of 52.8 ng/L, and compound with the highest concentration was alkyl OPEs. The concentration of OPEs in the downstream ranged from 179.1 to 557.0 ng/L, with an average concentration of 382.3 ng/L, and compound with the highest concentration was chlorinated OPEs. The OPEs in the upstream water are mainly from environmental migrations such as atmospheric deposition and runoff carrying, while the downstream water are mainly affected by urban domestic sewage and waste water discharged from industrial parks along the Yalu River. The current research provides data support and scientific basis for scientifically assessing the environmental risks of such substances and taking precise control measures in the future.
Key words:  OPEs  Yalu River  Concentration level  Pollution characteristics