SUN Jiemei,MEI Zhuohua,PI Yazhou,WANG Fen,XIA Chenghong,ZHANG Xiang,WEN Xin.Community Characteristics and Correlation of Environmental Factors of Benthos in Nanjing Section of Changjiang River[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(4):23-29
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孙洁梅,梅卓华,皮亚洲,王芬, 夏成红,章翔,闻欣
江苏省南京环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210013
于2019—2021年春、秋季在长江干流南京段设置6个调查点位对水体理化因子、底栖动物群落特征开展调查研究。采用典范对应分析方法(CCA)分析了底栖动物与环境因子的响应关系。结果表明,共检出35种底栖动物,分属3门6纲12目19科30属,昆虫纲为优势纲。各监测点位的底栖动物检出种类数相差较大,最多检出21种,最少检出11种。春季优势种为霍甫水丝蚓,秋季优势种为齿吻沙蚕。底栖动物物种密度为2~176个/m2 ,春季的底栖动物平均密度(139个/m2 )略高于秋季(125个/m2 ),底栖动物平均密度年度排序为:2019年>2020年>2021年。各监测点位的香农-威纳(Shannon Wiener)多样性指数为29~35,水质状况处于良好和优秀之间。CCA分析结果表明,高锰酸盐指数和溶解氧对南京段底栖动物群落结构物种时空分布影响较大且大部分群落特征物种分布在含氮营养盐较低的水域,高浓度的含氮营养盐已经对南京段底栖动物产生了负面影响。
关键词:  底栖动物  环境因子  香农-威纳多样性指数  典范对应分析  高锰酸盐指数  溶解氧
Community Characteristics and Correlation of Environmental Factors of Benthos in Nanjing Section of Changjiang River
SUN Jiemei, MEI Zhuohua, PI Yazhou, WANG Fen, XIA Chenghong, ZHANG Xiang, WEN Xin
Nanjing Environmental Monitoring Center of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210013,China
Six sites were set up in the spring and autumn from 2019 to 2021 in Nanjing section of the Changjiang River main stream to investigate the physicochemical factors and benthic community characteristics. The response relationship between benthos and environmental factors was analyzed by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) method. The results showed that a total of 35 benthic species were detected, belonging to 3 phyla,6 classes,12 orders,19 families,30 genera,and insecta was the dominant class. The number of benthic species detected at each monitoring site varied greatly, with a maximum of 21 species and a minimum of 11 species. In spring,the dominant species was Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri,and in autumn,the dominant species was Nephthys sp. The density of benthic animals in Nanjing section ranged from 2 to 176 ind./m2,and the average density of benthic animals in spring (139 ind./m2)was slightly higher than that in autumn (130 ind./m2). The annual average density was ranked as 2019>2020>2021. Shannon-Wiener diversity index at each monitoring site ranged from 29 to 35, indicating good or excellent water quality. CCA showed that the effects of permanganate index and dissolved oxygen on the temporal and spatial distribution of benthic community structure were significant. The CCA ordination showed that most of the characteristic species distributed in the waters with low nitrogen content, showing that high nitrogen content had a negative effect on the benthic fauna in the Nanjing section of the Yangtze River.
Key words:  Benthic animals  Environmental factor  Shannon-Wiener diversity index  Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA)  Permanganate index  Dissolved oxygen