ZHANG Yi-xiang, JIA Yue-qing, DU Zhen-yu, YANG Yong-jie, WU Zhong-xiang, ZHANG Guo-zhong.Experiences and Suggestions of Quality Management for Detailed Investigation of Soil Pollution Status in China[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,(1):1-8
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国家环境分析测试中心,北京 100029
关键词:  土壤污染详查  质量保证  质量控制  环境管理
Experiences and Suggestions of Quality Management for Detailed Investigation of Soil Pollution Status in China
ZHANG Yi-xiang, JIA Yue-qing, DU Zhen-yu, YANG Yong-jie, WU Zhong-xiang, ZHANG Guo-zhong
National Research Center for Environmental Analysis and Measurement,Beijing 100029, China
This paper reviews the quality managements of soil investigations at home and abroad. According to the characteristic of The Detailed Investigation of Soil Pollution Status in China been carried on 2016—2021, the technical route for quality assurance and quality control have been formed, and successful experiences on strong coordination, comprehensive guidance, process coordination, information technology application, innovative quality control measurements are summarized. This paper also puts forward relevant suggestions from the aspects of in depth study of the quality management achievements, strengthening the research of analysis methods, developing quality control samples and reference materials, establishing a hierarchical evaluation system for relevant third party participants, and continuously exploring the quality control mechanism for daily soil environmental surveys, so as to provide reference for the quality management of follow up soil investigation.
Key words:  The Detailed Investigation of Soil Pollution Status in China  Quality assurance  Quality control  Environmental management