HU Xiongxing.Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Water Quality of Suzhou River in Shanghai from 1986 to 2020[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(4):73-77
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上海市环境监测中心, 上海 200030
关键词:  苏州河  水质  时空变化特征  上海
Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Water Quality of Suzhou River in Shanghai from 1986 to 2020
HU Xiongxing
Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center, Shanghai 200030, China
Based on the monitoring data of Suzhou River water quality from 1986 to 2020, the water quality change process is divided into three stages: 1986 to 1996, 1997 to 2006 and 2007 to 2020, and the water quality status and the characteristics of temporal and spatial changes over the years are systematically analyzed. The results show that in the first stage, the overall water quality of Suzhou River was at a severe pollution level, and the water quality deteriorated significantly from upstream to downstream, with the urban section seriously polluted. In the second stage, the water quality in urban section of Suzhou River was significantly improved, and the organic pollution indexes of inferior class V were eliminated, but the ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus were still at a high pollution level, and the water quality in the upstream and downstream gradually converged. In the third stage, the water quality of Suzhou River was continuously improved, especially since 2016. In 2020, the water quality reached the best level in the last 34 years. The water quality improvement of Suzhou River was closely related to the multiple rounds of comprehensive environmental treatment project of the whole city and Suzhou River implemented in Shanghai, and the water quality improvement of the upstream water, which reflects the outstanding results of comprehensive environmental treatment of Suzhou River for more than 30 years, and provides experience for the treatment on black, malodorous water bodies in cities.
Key words:  Suzhou River  Water quality  Temporal and spatial variation characteristics  Shanghai