CHEN Gang, TONG Songying.Pollution Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of Atmospheric VOCs in Rudong Coastal Chemical Industrial Park of Jiangsu Province[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(5):177-186
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聚光科技(杭州)股份有限公司,浙江 杭州 310052
为研究江苏省如东沿海化工园大气环境中挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染特征,于2021年3月—2022年2月在园区年主导风向下风向空气超级站对VOCs进行连续观测,分析了VOCs时序浓度水平、环境影响程度,并对健康风险进行评价。结果表明:(1)研究期间,ρ(TVOC)为14.6~751.7 μg/m3,年均值为138.5 μg/m3,呈现夏低、冬高的季节特征,浓度高值时间段主要集中在07:00—09:00和19:00—21:00,其中烯烃占比最高;根据月均质量浓度排名筛选优控因子有乙烯、乙烷、丙烯腈、丙烷和二氯甲烷;(2)对臭氧(O3)生成贡献关键活性物种为乙烯、间/对二甲苯、异戊二烯、乙烷和甲苯,其中乙烯占所有因子贡献率为90%以上;VOCs对二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的贡献相对于O3有着明显的秋冬高、春夏低的季节特征,烯烃和芳香烃为主要贡献组分,关键活性物种为乙烯、间/对二甲苯、甲苯、甲基环己烷和环戊烷;(3)人体健康风险评价结果表明,27个因子对人体造成的非致癌风险在可接受范围内,其中苯、苯乙烯和1,3-丁二烯的致癌风险均在可接受水平内,但仍须关注夏、冬季卤代烃类排放水平以及冬季苯和1,3-丁二烯排放;综合环境影响指数(CEI)分析表明,烯烃依旧是园区重点关注的VOCs组分。
关键词:  化工园区  挥发性有机物  污染特征  臭氧生成潜势  健康风险评价
Pollution Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of Atmospheric VOCs in Rudong Coastal Chemical Industrial Park of Jiangsu Province
CHEN Gang, TONG Songying
Focused Photonics(Hangzhou), Inc., Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310052, China
To study the pollution characteristics of volatile organic compounds(VOCs) in the atmospheric environment of Rudong Coastal Chemical Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province, continuous observations of VOCs were conducted at the air super station, which is located downwind the annual dominant wind direction of the park from March 2021 to February 2022, and the time series concentration levels of VOCs, the degree of environmental impact, and health risk evaluation were analyzed. The results showed that:(1)The annual average value of TVOC mass concentration during the study period was 138.5 μg/m3, with a mass concentration range of 14.6 to 751.7 μg/m3. In general, the TVOC concentration showed a significant seasonal trend of low in summer and high in winter. And the high values of diurnal variation in the four seasons were concentrated during the period of 7:00—9:00 in the morning and 19:00—21:00 in the night. Among them, olefins accounted for the highest proportion; the optimal control factors were ethylene, ethane, acrylonitrile, propane and dichloromethane according to the ranking of monthly average concentration. (2)The key reactive species contributing to ozone(O3) generation were ethylene, m p-xylene, isoprene, ethane and toluene, with ethylene accounting for more than 90% of all contributions; the contribution of VOCs to secondary organic aerosols had obvious seasonal characteristics of high in autumn and winter and low in spring and summer relative to ozone, with olefins and aromatic hydrocarbons as the main contributing components, and ethylene, m/p-xylene, toluene, methylcyclohexane and cyclopentane as the key reactive species. (3)The non-carcinogenic risks to the human body caused by 27 factors were within the normal range, and the carcinogenic risks of benzene, styrene and 1,3-butadiene were also within acceptable levels. The emission of halogenated hydrocarbons in summer and winter, as well as the emission of benzene and 1,3-butadiene in winter should be noted. Based on the comprehensive environmental impact index(CEI) analysis, olefins were still the most important VOCs components.
Key words:  Chemical industrial park  VOCs  Pollution characteristics  Ozone formation potential  Health risk assessment