ZHONG Xu,LU Xianpeng,SONG Zhou,ZHOU Yuqi,LUO Huoyan,JI Yiping.Effects of Ultrasound Assist on Derivatization Efficiency of Phenolic Compounds[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(4):68-72
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钟旭1,卢显鹏1,宋洲2,3*,周宇齐2, 罗火焰1,吉义平2
1.湖北华祥地质环境检测科技有限公司,湖北 武汉 430000;2.湖北省地质实验测试中心,湖北 武汉 430034; 3.资源与生态环境地质湖北省重点实验室(湖北省地质局),湖北 武汉 430034
对超声辅助条件下14种酚类化合物的衍生化效率进行了研究。选取衍生反应的温度和时间等对衍生化效率有决定性影响的参数进行优化,结果发现,在75℃下反应60 min,14种酚类化合物的衍生化效率最优,是非超声辅助条件下衍生化效率的0.97~44.4倍,提升明显。该方法性能稳定、抗干扰能力强,能够满足水中酚类化合物衍生反应的需求。
关键词:  超声辅助  酚类化合物  衍生化  气相色谱-质谱法  五氟苄基溴
Effects of Ultrasound Assist on Derivatization Efficiency of Phenolic Compounds
ZHONG Xu1,LU Xianpeng1,SONG Zhou2,3*,ZHOU Yuqi2, LUO Huoyan1,JI Yiping2
1.Hubei Huaxiang Geological Environment Testing Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan, Hubei 430000, China; 2.Hubei Provincial Geological Experiment Testing Center, Wuhan, Hubei 430034, China; 3.Hubei Key Laboratory of Resources and Eco environment Geology (Hubei Geological Bureau), Wuhan, Hubei 430034, China
The derivatization efficiency of 14 phenolic compounds under ultrasonic assisted conditions was investigated. The parameters that have a decisive influence on the derivatization efficiency, such as the temperature and time of the derivatization reaction,were selected to be optimized. It is found that the derivatization efficiency of 14 phenolic compounds is the best at 75 ℃ for 60 min, which is 0.97~44.4 times that of the derivatization efficiency under non ultrasonic assisted conditions. The improvement is obvious. This method has stable performance and strong anti interference ability,and can meet the requirements for the derivation of phenolic compounds in water.
Key words:  Ultrasound assist  Phenols  Derivative  Gas chromatography mass spectrometry  Pentafluorobenzyl bromide