YANG Kaiyu, MAO Zhixin.Green Development Path of Industrial Park under Dual Carbon Target[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(3):104-110
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中国电建集团江西省电力建设有限公司,碳中和研究院,江西 南昌 310003
关键词:  工业园区  绿色发展  碳达峰  碳中和  改进STIRPAT模型
Green Development Path of Industrial Park under Dual Carbon Target
YANG Kaiyu, MAO Zhixin
Carbon Neutralization Research Institute,Jiangxi Provincial Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd.,Power Construction Corporation of China, Nanchang, Jiangxi 310003, China
The industrial park is the core unit for the concentrated development of Chinas industries, talents and advanced elements, and is also one of the places where energy consumption and carbon emissions are most concentrated. Under the dual carbon goal, various parks will play a crucial role in the practice of the “dual carbon” strategy.In this paper, the characteristics of carbon emission in the industrial park are analyzed, a carbon emission identification model is built, the carbon emission data in the industrial park is calculated by using the coefficient method combined with the “top down” and “bottom up” methods, the main influencing factors of carbon emission in the industrial park and low carbon development ideas are analyzed by using Kaya identity, improved STIRPAT (Stochastic Impacts by Regression on Population, Affluence, and Technology) model and LMDI(Logarithmic Mean Weight Divisia Index)model, and the green development path of the industrial park are planned by using LEAP(Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning System/Low emission analysis platform) model. The current research provides technical support for carbon peak and carbon neutralization in the industrial park.
Key words:  Industrial park  Green development  Carbon peak  Carbon neutralization  Improved STIRPAT model