WANG Xiaochun, WU Ke, YU Taili, WU Junmei, WANG Ting.A Phased Study on the Process of Production and Disappearance of a Continuous Smog in Winter in Kunshan[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(5):36-42
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昆山市气象局,江苏 昆山 215337
关键词:  雾霾  颗粒物  气象因素  后向轨迹分析  昆山
A Phased Study on the Process of Production and Disappearance of a Continuous Smog in Winter in Kunshan
WANG Xiaochun, WU Ke, YU Taili, WU Junmei, WANG Ting
Meteorological Bureau of Kunshan City, Kunshan, Jiangsu 215337, China
The continuous smoggy weather that occurred in the Kunshan area in December 2016 was selected as the study object,and the stage characteristics and differences in the fog and smog alternation process were studied and analyzed. The results showed that: (1) The degree of smog in this process lasted about 5 days. Affected by the intrusion of polluted air in the north and the conditions of cold air and humidity, fog smog turns alternately. (2) In this process, factors that positively correlated with visibility were atmospheric pressure and wind speed. Factors that showed negative correlation were relative humidity and dew point temperature. The correlation between temperature and visibility was not obvious. (3) The concentration of particulate matter in the smog process can be roughly divided into two stages. When the relative humidity in the air increases to near saturation, the particulate matter does not increase indefinitely. The effect of the concentration of particulate matter on visibility may not be a major factor at this time.(4) The analysis of the back trajectory of the air mass shows that the pre contaminants mainly came from Henan and Shanxi, and the second time the polluted air mass mainly came from the northwest.
Key words:  Smog  Particles  Meteorological factors  Backward trajectory analysis  Kunshan