WANG Pingping.Discussion on Application of Imputed Abatement Cost for Water Pollution[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(4):103-106
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泉州市环境科学研究所,福建 泉州 362000
以柴油泄漏污染案件为例,探讨了福建省《地表水环境损害鉴定评估技术方法》(DB 35/T 1726—2017)(以下简称《技术方法》)和《生态环境损害鉴定评估技术指南 基础方法 第2部分:水污染虚拟治理成本法》(GB/T 39793.2—2020)(以下简称《技术指南》)推荐的虚拟治理成本法在地表水环境损害价值量化评估中的应用。充分比较了2个标准的推荐方法对同一污染场景的单位治理成本确定、污染物违法外排量核定和系数选取的分析过程,并提出了增补确定单位治理成本的方法,扩大使用范围等改进建议,以期推动虚拟治理成本法在地表水生态环境损害价值量化中的高效应用。
关键词:  水污染  虚拟治理成本法  地表水环境损害  鉴定评估
Discussion on Application of Imputed Abatement Cost for Water Pollution
WANG Pingping
Institute of Environmental Sciences, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000, China
Based on a case of diesel leak pollution, this paper discusses the application of imputed abatement cost recommended by two different technical standards, “Technical methods for identification and assessment of surface water environmental damage” and “Technical guidelines for identification and assessment of environmental damage—Principal methods—Part 2: imputed abatement cost for water pollution”, on quantitative assessment of surface water environmental damage, compares unit abatement cost determination, illegal pollutant discharge amount accounting, coefficient selection by two recommended method for the same pollution scene, and puts forward suggestions for the deficiency of imputed abatement cost, in order to promote the efficient application of imputed abatement cost in assessment of surface water environmental damage.
Key words:  Water pollution  Imputed abatement cost  Assessment of surface water environmental damage  Identification and assessment