ZHANG Liangyu, MU Yingfeng, ZHU Zhifeng, CAI Yuanchen, LI Yuanhui, DING Feng,SUN Sisi.Pollution Characteristics and Source Apportionment of Atmospheric VOCs in Nanjing[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(5):128-133
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江苏省南京环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210013
关键词:  挥发性有机物  臭氧生成潜势  来源解析  南京
Pollution Characteristics and Source Apportionment of Atmospheric VOCs in Nanjing
ZHANG Liangyu, MU Yingfeng, ZHU Zhifeng, CAI Yuanchen, LI Yuanhui, DING Feng,SUN Sisi
Nanjing Environmental Monitoring Center of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210013,China
Based on the online monitoring data of volatile organic compounds(VOCs) in Nanjing in 2022, this study analyzed the characteristics, sources, and effects of VOCs pollution on ozone(O3). The results showed that: the mean concentration of total VOCs(TVOCs) in Nanjing in 2022 was 25.1×10-9, and the component proportions were alkanes>OVOCs>chlorohydrocarbon>alkenes>aromatics>alkynes. The seasonal variation of TVOCs,alkanes, alkenes and aromatics were winter>autumn>spring>summer, and OVOCs was summer>autumn>spring>winter. OVOCs concentration was highest in summer. The diurnal variation of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes were characterized by “bimodal”, while that of aromatics and chlorohydrocarbon were “unimodal”. The ozone formation potential(OFP) contribution rates were OVOCs>alkenes>aromatics>alkanes>chlorohydrocarbon>alkynes, and the OFP contribution rate of alkenes was highest in winter. The key active species of VOCs for O3 generation of Nanjing were acetaldehyde, ethylene, propylene, m/p-xylene, and toluene. The results of positive matrix factorization showed that vehicle exhaust, biomass combustion and industrial production were the main sources of VOCs in Nanjing. Solvent coatings use and petrochemical industry were the main sources of VOCs pollution that contributed most to O3 generation of Nanjing.
Key words:  VOCs  OFP  Source apportionment  Nanjing