ZHAO Zhao,SUN Shiwei,ZHOU Bowen,SUN Jianning,CHEN Huilin.An Experiment on UAV Observation of Methane Point Source Emissions Based on Large Eddy Simulation: Estimation of Emission Rates and Their Uncertainties[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(5):65-74
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1.南京大学,大气科学学院,江苏 南京 210023;2.南京气象科技创新研究院,中国气象局交通气象重点开放实验室,江苏 南京 210041
关键词:  甲烷  点源排放  无人机观测  大涡模拟  大气湍流
An Experiment on UAV Observation of Methane Point Source Emissions Based on Large Eddy Simulation: Estimation of Emission Rates and Their Uncertainties
ZHAO Zhao1, SUN Shiwei2, ZHOU Bowen1, SUN Jianning1, CHEN Huilin1*
1.School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China;2. Key Laboratory of Transportation Meteorology of China Meteorological Administration, Nanjing Joint Institute for Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210041, China
Unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV) have been shown to be a novel and effective observation platform for the estimation of methane point source emission rates, however, quantitative analysis of the accuracy and the uncertainty of UAV estimates is still lacking. In this study, we have simulated a passive methane plume released from a point source at a constant emission rate in a strongly turbulent mixing environment using large eddy simulation. Furthermore, we have performed multiple consecutive flight observation experiments based on the simulated plume, and estimated the emission rates using both inverse Gaussian(IG) and mass balance(MB) methods. The accuracy and the uncertainty of the estimates have been assessed. Moreover, we have investigated different flight schedules and patterns to improve the estimation performance. The results show that the mean values of the emissions estimated from multiple simulated flights by both IG and MB methods can reach 95% and 86% of the actual emissions, with uncertainties of 56.6% and 56.9% respectively; the uncertainty can be significantly reduced by repeated flights using a single UAV, e.g., to less than 30% with five flights; Simultaneous flights using two UAVs at different altitudes reduce the uncertainty of the MB method estimate to 35.2%~51.9%, while the IG method is insensitive to this measure. As this study considers the transport and dispersion of methane only, the results are applicable to the estimates of emission rates of other point sources of passive pollutants.
Key words:  Methane  Point source  UAV observation  Large Eddy Simulation  Atmospheric turbulence