引用本文: | 金民,汪琦,钟声,邵克强.昆承湖表层沉积物氮、磷及有机质时空分布特征及污染评价[J].环境监控与预警,2025,17(1):109-118 |
| JIN Min,WANG Qi,ZHONG Sheng,SHAO Keqiang.Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Pollution Assessment of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Organic Matter in Surface Sediments of Kuncheng Lake[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2025,17(1):109-118 |
摘要: |
基于2022年3月和8月在昆承湖采集的8个表层(0~10 cm)沉积物样品,分析了其总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和有机质(OM)含量的时空分布特征及相关性,并运用改进的内梅罗污染指数法和有机污染指数法对沉积物污染程度进行了评价。结果表明:(1)汛期和非汛期昆承湖各监测点位ρ(TN)平均值分别为0.364,1.024 mg/L;ρ(TP)平均值分别为0.119,0.058 mg/L。(2)汛期昆承湖表层沉积物ω(TN)、ω(TP)和ω(OM)的平均值分别为1 099.7,584.3 mg/kg和15.45 g/kg,非汛期其平均值分别为893.9,529.3 mg/kg和23.05 g/kg。时间上,汛期ω(TN)和ω(TP)平均值均高于非汛期,汛期ω(OM)均值低于非汛期;空间分布上,ω(TN)、ω(TP)和ω(OM)均呈现自北向南逐渐减少的趋势。(3)皮尔森(Pearson)相关性分析结果显示,汛期TP与OM呈显著正相关(r=0.757,p <0.05),非汛期TN与OM相关性显著(r=0.928,p<0.05);(4)汛期和非汛期全湖表层沉积物的内梅罗综合污染指数分别为1.32和1.17,分别属于中度污染和轻度污染水平;汛期和非汛期全湖有机污染指数分别为0.10和0.14,均属于较清洁等级,昆承湖整体有机污染水平较低。 |
关键词: 昆承湖 表层沉积物 营养盐 空间分布特征 污染评价 |
DOI:DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6732.2025.01.017 |
分类号:X52 |
基金项目:江苏省环境监测科研基金项目(2108) |
Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Pollution Assessment of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Organic Matter in Surface Sediments of Kuncheng Lake |
JIN Min1, WANG Qi2, ZHONG Sheng3, SHAO Keqiang4*
1. Changshu Environmental Monitoring Station, Suzhou City, Changshu, Jiangsu 215516, China; 2. Department of Ecology and Environment of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210036, China; 3. Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210019, China; 4. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008, China
Abstract: |
This study analyses the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics and correlation of total nitrogen(TN), total phosphorus(TP), and organic matter(OM) contents in eight surface layer(0~10 cm) sediment samples collected from Kuncheng Lake in March and August 2022. The degree of sediment contamination was evaluated using the improved Nemerow Index method and the organic pollution index method. The results showed that:(1) The average values of ρ(TN) at Kuncheng Lake during the flood season and non-flood season were 0.364 and 1.024 mg/L, and the average values of ρ(TP) during the corresponding periods were 0.119 and 0.058 mg/L, respectively.(2) The mean values of ω(TN), ω/(TP), and ω(OM) in the surface sediment of Kuncheng Lake during the flood season were 1,099.7, 584.3 mg/kg and 15.45 g/kg, respectively, while the mean values were 893.9, 529.3 mg/kg and 23.05 g/kg during the non-flood season. Temporally, the mean values of ω(TN) and ω(TP) in flood season were higher than those in non-flood season, while the opposite was true for ω(OM). Spatially, all of them showed a decreasing distribution trend from north to south.(3) The results of Pearson's correlation analysis indicate that TP and OM are significantly positively correlated during flood season(r=0.757,p<0.05), while TN and OM are significantly positively correlated during non-flood season(r=0.928,p<0.05).(4) The integrated pollution index of the entire lake's surface sediment was 1.36 and 1.17 during the flood and non-flood seasons, respectively, indicating mild pollution and light pollution. The organic pollution index for the same periods was 0.10 and 0.14, respectively, which belonged to the relatively clean grade, indicating a low overall organic pollution level in Kuncheng Lake. |
Key words: Kuncheng Lake Surface sediments Nutrient Spatial pattern Pollution evaluation |