SUN Hai,CHEN Wei,WANG Wei.Comparative Study on the Regional Environmental Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation from 5G Base Stations[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2025,17(1):119-122
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1. 安徽省辐射环境监督站,安徽 合肥 230022; 2. 皖北辐射环境监测分站,安徽 蚌埠 233000
关键词:  5G基站  区域电磁环境  工作频段  应用场景
Comparative Study on the Regional Environmental Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation from 5G Base Stations
SUN Hai1, CHEN Wei2*, WANG Wei1
1. Anhui Radiation Environmental Supervision Station, Hefei, Anhui 230022, China; 2. Radiation Environment Supervision Station of Anhui North, Bengbu, Anhui 233000, China
The electromagnetic radiation impact of 5G communication base stations varies significantly in different operating frequency bands and application scenarios, and is therefore of practical guidance significance for conducting regional electromagnetic environment monitoring and evaluation for batch base stations. This study conducted frequency band radiation environment monitoring on newly built 5G base stations in Bengbu City, Anhui Province, from August to December 2023. The regional survey monitoring method was used to compare and analyze the electromagnetic environment impact of 5G base stations in different frequency bands, and the current level of electromagnetic radiation environment in the 5G base station area was obtained. Three typical scenarios, including data transmission, video interaction, and no business broadcasting, were selected for actual testing. Key factors such as monitoring points and application scenarios that affect the electromagnetic radiation environment monitoring results were proposed, and suggestions were given for prioritizing the use of data transmission application scenarios in 5G base station radiation environment monitoring.
Key words:  5G base station  Regional electromagnetic environment  Operating frequency band  Application scenarios