HU Yuan,FENG Liang,CHAI Yidi,SHEN Yi,DING Minghui,HAN Linbao,WANG Shifeng,CHENG Cheng.Novel Method for Pollution Source Identification of Abnormal Influent of Wastewater Treatment Plant Based on Aqueous Fluorescence Fingerprint[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2024,16(6):1-7
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胡远1,2, 冯亮1,2, 柴一荻1,2,3,沈毅4,丁明辉1,2,韩林宝1,2, 王士峰1,2,程澄2,3*
1. 苏州国溯科技有限公司,江苏 苏州 215163;2. 清华苏州环境创新研究院,先进监管技术仪器研发团队,江苏 苏州 215163;3. 清华大学环境学院,环境污染溯源与精细监管技术研究中心,北京 100084;4. 浙江省环境科技有限公司,浙江 杭州 310020
运用水质荧光指纹溯源技术对南方某城镇污水处理厂(处理水量6万t/d)的异常进水进行污染溯源。水质荧光指纹比对结果显示,异常进水的疑似污染源为塑胶/橡胶类废水。通过与污水管网水样的水质指纹比对,快速锁定异常进水来自污水管网10#处(此处发现污染排放暗管P1),该处水样的ρ(CODCr)高达772 mg/L,超《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978—1996)三级标准0.54倍;进而根据某塑胶企业生产原废水与P1的水质荧光指纹相似度高达99%,以及原废水的ρ(CODCr)高达11 551 mg/L,确定其为此次异常进水的污染来源。由于该企业法定污水排放口水质正常,故可以确定,该企业偷排生产原废水进入污水管网。此次溯源耗时5.5 h。利用水质荧光指纹污染溯源技术快速精准锁定污染源头,及时控制污染源头排放,避免了污水处理厂水质进一步恶化,有效保障了污水处理厂正常运行。这次实践应用研究表明,水质荧光指纹污染溯源技术可以在污水管网的复杂水质条件下完成快速精准的污染溯源。
关键词:  污水处理厂  异常进水  水质荧光指纹  污染溯源  偷排
Novel Method for Pollution Source Identification of Abnormal Influent of Wastewater Treatment Plant Based on Aqueous Fluorescence Fingerprint
HU Yuan1,2, FENG Liang1,2, CHAI Yidi1,2,3, SHEN Yi4, DING Minghui1,2, HAN Linbao1,2, WANG Shifeng1,2,CHENG Cheng2,3*
1. Suzhou Gseeker Technology Co., Ltd.,Suzhou,Jiangsu 215163, China;2.Research and Development Center of Advanced Environmental Supervision Technology and Instrument, Research Institute for Environmental Innovation(Suzhou) Tsinghua, Suzhou,Jiangsu 215163, China;3.Research Center of Environmental Technology in Water Pollution Source Identification and Precise Supervision, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;4. Zhejiang Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310020, China
This study investigated pollution source of abnormal influent of a wastewater treatment plant(treatment capacity of 60 000 t/d) in a southern town with the help of the pollution discharge source identification technology based on aqueous fluorescence fingerprint. The comparison results of the aqueous fluorescence fingerprint indicated that the suspected source of the abnormal influent was plastic/rubber industry and the abnormal influent was from underground pipes(P1) of the 10# location in the sewage pipe network, where the chemical oxygen demand of the water sample was 772 mg/L, being higher than the Class III of the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard(GB 8978—1996) by 0.54 times. Then, a plastic/rubber enterprise was identified as pollution source based on the high similarity(99%) of aqueous fluorescence fingerprint between the raw wastewater of the enterprise and the sewage from P1, and the high -chemical oxygen demand of the raw wastewater of 11 551 mg/L. Since the water quality of the wastewater from the enterprise’s legal sewage discharge outlet was better than the discharge standard, thus it was clear that the enterprise illegally discharged raw wastewater into the sewage pipe network. It took 5.5 hours to conduct the pollution source identification process. Due to the fast and precise identification, the pollution discharge was timely stopped to avoid further deterioration of influent’s water quality and treatment plant’s operation. This practical research demonstrated that the identification technology can achieve rapid and precise pollution source identification under strong disturbance of complex wastewater.
Key words:  Wastewater treatment plant  Abnormal influent  Aqueous fluorescence fingerprint  Pollution discharge source identification  Illegal discharge