引用本文:李旭文.基于Windows Mobile技术的环境监测数据外业采集系统研[J].环境监控与预警,2009,1(2):28-32
LI Xu-wen.Study on Windows Mobile- Based in- situ Environmental Monitoring Data Acquisition System[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2009,1(2):28-32
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基于Windows Mobile技术的环境监测数据外业采集系统研
江苏省环境信息中心,江苏 南京 210036
研究了Windows Mobile智能手机平台上环境监测数据外业采集系统框架,以SQL Server Compact3.5数据库技术存储、管理现场监测数据,通过SQL Server复制技术将数据汇交到监测站的中心数据库中。提出了综合场景信息与业务因子监测数据同步(准同步)采集、一体化管理、关联分析、复合应用的集成应用思路。举例展示了系统配置和软件代码实现。
关键词:  Windows Mobile  SQL Sever Compact 3.5;智能手机;现场监测;综合场景信息;数据复制
Study on Windows Mobile- Based in- situ Environmental Monitoring Data Acquisition System
LI Xu-wen
Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Information Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210036, China
The technology of field environmental monitoring data acquisition framework based on Windows Mobile smartphone platform was explored, SQL Server Compact 3.5 database technology was applied to the storage and management of field data; through the data replication functionality of SQL Server, the field data were merged to the central database server of environmental monitoring station. It was recommended that simultaneous acquisition, management, integrated analysis of comprehensive scenery information and environmental quality indicators. An example of system configuration and code snippet was presented.
Key words:  Windows Mobile  SQL Server Compact 3.5  smartphone  field monitoring  comprehensive scenery information  data replication