Volume 1,Issue 2,2009 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  


  PANG Yong, XU Qiu-xia
  Abstract(15972)  View PDF(5460)  HTML   [HTML]
  XU Heng-sheng, WENG Jian-zhong, LI Ji-ying,WANG Ya-chao
  Abstract(13748)  View PDF(5004)  HTML   [HTML]
Contemplations on Source Drinking Water Pollution Emergency Monitoring in Huaian
  ZHANG Yue-ming, SHEN Yue-wen, GU Ya-zhong
  Abstract(10672)  View PDF(3980)  HTML   [HTML]


  ZHANG Ning-hong, ZHANG Lin, HUANG Li-ping
  Abstract(9418)  View PDF(3948)  HTML   [HTML]
Application of Luminescent Bacteria Techniques to Environmental Monitoring
  WANG Zhao-qun ,SI Wan-su and YAN Gang
  Abstract(21300)  View PDF(6267)  HTML   [HTML]
Non -point Pollution Source Monitoring Techniques in Plain Tidal River Networks
  JI Xiao,XU Ai-lan, LU Wei
  Abstract(13289)  View PDF(4213)  HTML   [HTML]
Determination of Haloethers in Water Using Automatic Solid Phase Extraction -C18 Disk - Capillary Gas Chromatography
  TANG Ting, WANG Xiao,WANG Hao and LU Bao-quan
  Abstract(16771)  View PDF(6080)  HTML   [HTML]
Applicability of Enzyme Substrate Technique to Fecal Contamination Testing in Surface Water
  ZHAO Chun-xia,LI Yi-qiang and MEI Zhuo-hua
  Abstract(11616)  View PDF(4594)  HTML   [HTML]


Study on Windows Mobile- Based in- situ Environmental Monitoring Data Acquisition System
  LI Xu-wen
  Abstract(16304)  View PDF(6304)  HTML   [HTML]
Case Study on Application of Remote Sensing Technology to Monitoring Chlorophyll - a Levels in Taihu Lake
  LIU Jlan-ping , ZHANG Yu-chao , QIAN Xin and ZHANG Ning-hong , YU Jian-qiao
  Abstract(11303)  View PDF(5131)  HTML   [HTML]


Estimation of Natural Terrestrial External Exposure Levels of Nuclides in Soils in Chengdu
  LIU He-fan,ZENG Bing, HOU Ke-bin, GE Liang-quan
  Abstract(12519)  View PDF(5055)  HTML   [HTML]
Status- Quo of Organochlorine Pesticide Residue in Soils in Zhenjiang
  WANG Lin, DONG Zheng,HUANG Wei and CAO Xu-jing
  Abstract(10651)  View PDF(4107)  HTML   [HTML]
Impact of Transformer Noise on Indoor Residential Environment and Control Techniques
  WANG Yong, JI Zheng-yu
  Abstract(11329)  View PDF(4422)  HTML   [HTML]


Preliminary Study on Improvement of Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment
  JIN Xiang-can ,NI Dong, WANG Sheng-rui ,HE Lian-sheng, MENG Xian-yang
  Abstract(11577)  View PDF(5172)  HTML   [HTML]
Hazardous Waste Emissions Trading Modeling for Economic Development Zones
  XIE Wen-li,WANG Zhi-long and CHEN Zhi-ning ,CHEN Li-wei
  Abstract(10610)  View PDF(4054)  HTML   [HTML]
Case Study on Retrospective Review of Construction Project EIA
  YIN Wei-ping, YU Mei-xiang
  Abstract(10756)  View PDF(4356)  HTML   [HTML]