Volume 12,Issue 2,2020 Table of Contents

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Pretreatment Method on Total Phosphorus Measured Value in Water
  CHEN Meng-gao-shan,WANG Ming-xuan,YANG Liu-yan*
  Published March 30, 2020 (5 pages)
  Abstract(8233)  View PDF(2135)  HTML   [HTML](645)


Retrieval of Chlorophylla and Total Suspended Matter Concentrations from Sentinel3 OLCI Imagery by C2RCC Algorithm in South Yellow Sea
  LI Xu-wen, WEI Ai-hong,JIANG Sheng, WANG Tian-tian, JI Xuan-yu,ZHANG Yue,JIAO Xin-ming
  Published March 30, 2020 (7 pages)
  Abstract(7819)  View PDF(2424)  HTML   [HTML](1841)
Discussion on the Accuracy of O3 Prediction by Two Modules of OPAQ System
  WANG Shu-ying1,XU Chun-ling2* , YIN Cui-fang1, LI Peng-shuai1
  Published March 30, 2020 (4 pages)
  Abstract(5984)  View PDF(1996)  HTML   [HTML](106)
Characteristic of Phytoplankton Community Structure in Spring in Surrounding Waters of Qinshan Island
  MAO Cheng-ze1, HUA Wei-hua1, YUAN Guang-wang1, JIAO Xin-ming1, ZHANG Xiao-yu1
  Published March 30, 2020 (7 pages)
  Abstract(6313)  View PDF(2124)  HTML   [HTML](253)


Study on Monitoring Method of SO3 Acid Mist in Highhumidity Flue Gas after Wet Desulfurization
  LI Xin-yi,YUE Xiu-peng,ZHANG Ya-ping,YANG Lin-jun
  Published March 30, 2020 (7 pages)
  Abstract(5849)  View PDF(2056)  HTML   [HTML](261)
Determination of Iodide in Clean Water by Ion Chromatography Coupled with Electrical Conductivity and DC Ampere Double Detectors
  JIANG Yuan-yuan,CHENG Hai,XU Lei
  Published March 30, 2020 (5 pages)
  Abstract(5919)  View PDF(1955)  HTML   [HTML](1479)
Determination of Petroleum in Changzhou Drinking Water Source Areas by Selfdesigned Automatic Stirring ExtractionUltraviolet Spectrophotometry
  JIANG Shao-jie,JIN Shan,SHI Xin-lan,XIE Wen-li
  Published March 30, 2020 (5 pages)
  Abstract(6522)  View PDF(1952)  HTML   [HTML](227)
Simultaneous Determination of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in Seawater by High Pressure Sealed Digestion-Flow Injection
  CHEN Ke-hong,ZHANG Qing,LIU Zhan-xin,WANG Min
  Published March 30, 2020 (4 pages)
  Abstract(6113)  View PDF(1896)  HTML   [HTML](546)


Pollution Characteristics of Watersoluble Ions in PM2.5 in Winter in Nantong
  JIANG Rong,YAN Fei ,YANG Jie,QIAN Zhen
  Published March 30, 2020 (4 pages)
  Abstract(7505)  View PDF(2246)  HTML   [HTML](131)
A Case Study of Progressive Environmental Site Investigation of Industrial Solid Waste Landfill in Bedrock Area
  WANG Dong, FU Yi-wei, ZHANG Qiang, ZHANG Man-cheng, TAO Jing-zhong, WANG Shui, QU Chang-sheng
  Published March 30, 2020 (7 pages)
  Abstract(5478)  View PDF(2256)  HTML   [HTML](245)


Ecological Management Utility Assessment of the Revised Technical Criterion for Ecosystem Status Evaluation in Shandong Province
  MENG Xiang-liang1, LIU Wei1, KONG Mei1, WANG Qi1, SHI Tong-guang2
  Published March 30, 2020 (7 pages)
  Abstract(5801)  View PDF(2220)  HTML   [HTML](311)
Typical Issues Identified During the Examination of SelfMonitoring by Pollutant Discharging Entities and Suggestions for Improvement
  LIU Ya-jun,ZHANG Zhi-feng
  Published March 30, 2020 (4 pages)
  Abstract(7747)  View PDF(2201)  HTML   [HTML](788)