Volume 10,Issue 6,2018 Table of Contents

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Progress on the Microplastics Pollution Status and Its Effects on Marine Organisms
  YIN Cen,WEI Meng bi,LIU Hui hui*
  Abstract(7938)  View PDF(2265)  HTML   [HTML]


The Application of GF1 and GF2 Satellite Remote Sensing Data to Ecological Environment Monitoring
  CAI Jian nan1,2, HE Tian hui1, HUANG Ming zhi3
  Abstract(6490)  View PDF(2189)  HTML   [HTML]
Study on Connotation and Development Trend of Eco-environmental Monitoring Data Products in New Stage
  XIE Wen li1, ZHANG Yu2, SHI Xin lan1, JIANG Shao jie1, TIAN Ying3, XUE Yin gang1*
  Abstract(6100)  View PDF(2070)  HTML   [HTML]
Air Pollution Impact Assessment of Xuzhou iron and steel industry
  YAO Yu kun, ZHAO Qiu yue, LIU Qian, HAN Jun zan
  Abstract(7822)  View PDF(2729)  HTML   [HTML]


Suggestions on the Applicability of 《Environmental Monitoring—Technical Guidance on Drawing and Revising Analytical Method Standards》 (HJ 168—2010) on Soil Monitoring Analytical Method Analysis
  XIA Xin1,JIANG Xiao xu1*, ZOU Jia su2,WANG Jing3,YU Yong1,YANG Nan1
  Abstract(7592)  View PDF(2365)  HTML   [HTML]
Determination of Shale Gas Composition by Gas Chromatography
  CAI Xiao hu,CAI Shu wei,SHAO Wei,SHI Lei
  Abstract(5757)  View PDF(1977)  HTML   [HTML]
Determination of Glyphosate and Butylxanthic Acid in Water by Ultrahigh Performance Liquid ChromatographyTandem Mass Spectrometry with Direct Injection
  CHEN Jie jiang,LI Feng cai,GAO Yi bin,LI Bing,XU Long
  Abstract(6048)  View PDF(2062)  HTML   [HTML]
Application of Liquid Chromatography Coupled with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry in Water Environment Monitoring
  ZHOU Xu,WU Dan,HUANG Bi yuan,LING Hong,HUANG Xia yin
  Abstract(6788)  View PDF(2187)  HTML   [HTML]


The Pollution Characteristic Study of Volatile Organic Compounds for Waste Gas and Ambient Air in A Typical Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry Zone
  WANG Hui1, DING Miao1, RAO Qin quan1, XU Fang xi1, YU Bin bin1,2*
  Abstract(6828)  View PDF(2161)  HTML   [HTML]
Spatial Distribution of Main Pollutants in Datong Lake and Analysis of Pollution Sources
  WU Wen hui1,FAN Juan1,ZOU Hui1, LI Dan2,PAN Hai ting1, LIAO Yue hua1*
  Abstract(6317)  View PDF(2126)  HTML   [HTML]


Discussion on the Comprehensive Analysis of Environmental Quality under the New Situation
  SHEN Hong jun
  Abstract(5905)  View PDF(2043)  HTML   [HTML]
The Key Points of Effectiveness Review on Environmental Monitoring Data for Law Enforcement
  SHEN Li juan
  Abstract(6333)  View PDF(2136)  HTML   [HTML]
Discussion on the Monitoring of Environmental Protection for the Completed Construction Projects under the New Situation
  YU Mei xiang1,YU Shuang shuang2
  Abstract(6730)  View PDF(1989)  HTML   [HTML]