引用本文:XU Yi-qiang,LI Jun.Research and Design of Provincial Environmental Automatic Monitoring Network based on MPLS VPN[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2009,1(1):37~41
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基于MPLS VPN的省级环境自动监控系统研究与设
徐益强1, 李 骏2
1.江苏省环境信息中心,江苏 南京 210036;2.句容市环境监测站,江苏 句容 212400
关键词:  自动监控  环境  MPLS VPN
Research and Design of Provincial Environmental Automatic Monitoring Network based on MPLS VPN
XU Yi-qiang1, LI Jun2
1.Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Information Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210036, China;2.Jurong Environmental Monitoring Station, Jurong, Jiangsu 212400, China
Introduced the network based on MPLS VPN, according to the analysis of environmental protection VPN network in Jiangsu provinec. The provincial environmental automatic monitoring system based on MPLS VPN was researched and designed. The design idea of network architecture, data collection and storage, data transfer, application service platform and system security and other aspects were also put forward.
Key words:  automatic monitoring  environment  MPLS VPN