引用本文:WANG Wen-bao,WANG Xiao-chun,TENG Ying,CAO Xiao-hua,ZANG Wen-wen,DING Xiao-jun.Assessment and Analysis for Heavy Metal Pollution in the Soil of Stainless Steel Industrial Assembly Zone in Jiangsu Province[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2010,2(5):40~43
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Assessment and Analysis for Heavy Metal Pollution in the Soil of Stainless Steel Industrial Assembly Zone in Jiangsu Province
WANG Wen-bao,WANG Xiao-chun,TENG Ying,CAO Xiao-hua,ZANG Wen-wen,DING Xiao-jun
Dongtai Environmental Monitoring Station, Dongtai, Jiangsu 224200, China
With the development of stainless steel industry, the effect on water and soil, which is caused by waste water, waste gas and waste solid in the production of stainless steel, had been increasing. Taking Qindong town in this zone as an example , we found that none of Cr、Zn、Cd、Pb mass in the studied region had overrun the Grade Ⅱof national《Environmental Quality Standard for Soil》(GB 15618-95) and the descending order of Heavy Metal pollution was: Cd>Ni >Cr>Mn>Zn>Pb. At the same time , the results on the Pearson correlation suggested Cr、 Fe、Cd、Ni、Mn pollution in the soil more likely come from the stainless steel industry.
Key words:  stainless steel  heavy metal  assessment  pearson correlation