引用本文:.The structure of Prediction and Alarm System for Air Pollution Accident in Chemical Industrial Zone[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2010,2(06):8~10
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吴健伟1, 薛 锐2, 陈 希3
1.泰州市环境监测中心站,江苏 泰州 225300;2.1.泰州市环境监测中心站,江苏 泰州 225301;3.2.解放军理工大学,江苏 南京 210007
关键词:  预测预警  污染事故  污染物扩散  数学模型  地理信息系统
The structure of Prediction and Alarm System for Air Pollution Accident in Chemical Industrial Zone
A mathematical model system on the prediction and alarm for sudden air pollution accident was develped,which was consisted of meteorological model, atmospheric diffusion model and GIS.The data solutions gained from the model combining with GIS make an analysis of the diffusion of pollution.In that case,the spatio-temporal concentrations and the level of the pollutants canbe acquired.Moreover,the important information on population and institutes nearby can be obtained.Thus,it is available to predict the influence degree and extent by the pollution accident.The system can also provide a scientific support for emergency monitoring monitoring,field rescue and calamity survey.
Key words:  prediction and alarm  contamination accident  pollutant diffusion  mathematical model  GIS