引用本文:.Improvement on the Determining Method of Particulate Arsenic and Arsenic Compounds in Stationary Emissions Sources[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2012,4(4):23~25
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1.北京市西城区环境监测站,北京 100055;2.北京市环境保护监测中心,北京 100044
金属冶炼烟气中的砷大都以颗粒物的形式存在,对环境造成污染。2010年,国家颁布了《铜、镍、钴工业污染物排放标准》(GB 25467-2010),对于废气中砷的监测,该标准中规定使用《空气和废气 砷的测定 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银分光光度法(暂行)》(HJ 540-2009)。然而该方法中对于烟气中砷的监测方法存在一定问题,高氯酸在高温消解过程中易爆炸,比较危险,另外采用在锥形瓶内加热至产生白烟的排酸方式不能有效地排净硝酸,会导致反应无法进行。为此,就该方法中有组织排放废气中砷的前处理部分提出了改进意见。
关键词:  烟气    颗粒物
Improvement on the Determining Method of Particulate Arsenic and Arsenic Compounds in Stationary Emissions Sources
Arsenic is mostly in the form of particulate matter in the course of metal smelting, which pollutes the environment. In 2010, the state promulgated the "copper, nickel, cobalt industry emission standards" (GB 25467-2010), which requires the method, "Determination of arsenic in ambient air and exhaust using diethyl dithiocarbamate silver by spectrophotometer (Interim)" (HJ 540-2009) to detect arsenic. But there are certain problems in this method applied to detect arsenic in exhaust. Perchloric acid is explosive and dangerous at high temperature and the nitric acid can not effectively drain which will affect the reaction. In this paper, this method has been improved in the pre-treatment part by the actual laboratory simulation and field verification of the analysis method.
Key words:  stationary emissions sources  arsenic  particulate