引用本文:ZHOU Yang1,2,WANG Yan li1,4,CHEN Lu1,2,WANG Wei2,3,ZHANG Li na1,2,JI Sheng2,3.Study of the Correlationship between O3 Generation and its Precursors NOx and VOCs Emission in Tianjin[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2014,6(6):37~40
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1.天津市环境保护科学研究院, 天津 300191;2.天津市大气污染防治重点实验室, 天津 300191
关键词:  污染物排放清单  多尺度空间质量模型  挥发性有机物  臭氧  前体物  天津市
Study of the Correlationship between O3 Generation and its Precursors NOx and VOCs Emission in Tianjin
ZHOU Yang1,2,WANG Yan li1,4,CHEN Lu1,2,WANG Wei2,3,ZHANG Li na1,2,JI Sheng2,3
ZHOU Yang1,2,WANG Yan li1,4,CHEN Lu1,2,WANG Wei2,3,ZHANG Li na1,2,JI Sheng2,3
The SO2 and NOx emission data from Tianjin pollution source survey of 2010 and industrial volatile organic compounds estimation data were used as main sources to establish Tianjin air pollutant emission inventory. The meteorological fields of Tianjin Area in January, April, July, October 2010 were simulated using MM5. Finally, CMAQ model was used and several scenarios were designed to analyze the correlation ship between the O3 concentration change and NOx and VOCs emission change. The results indicated that O3 generation in Tianjin was limited by VOCs.O3 concentration might continue to increase when more and more NOx emissions were cut down, but VOCs reduction was beneficial to O3 control. In summer, more than 40% VOCs emission was needed to be cut down to avoid the O3 increase in Tianjin. 
Key words:  Pollutant Emission Inventory  CMAQ  VOCs  O3  Precursors  Tianjin city